Servant Team Opportunities

Now accepting applications for the following Servant Teams!

[accordion title=”Servant Teams”]

[accordion-item title=”Fall 2016 – Romania, Peru or Rwanda”]

Spend Fall 2016 with a Word Made Flesh community. 

When: September-November 2016

Where:  Galati, Romania; Lima, Peru; or Kigali, Rwanda

Cost: TBD

Application Deadline:  June 1, 2016

Apply online today!  


[accordion-item title=”Spring 2017 – Romania or Moldova”]

Spend Spring 2017 with a Word Made Flesh community. 

When: February-April 2016

Where:  Galati, Romania or Chisinau, Moldova

Cost: TBD

Application Deadline:  November 1, 2016

Apply online today!  



Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information. We look forward to hearing from you!


Servant Team locations change periodically. Servant Teams may be offered in the following WMF countries of service:

Buenos Aires, Argentina

WMF Argentina ministers among youth and children in Buenos Aires.  WMF partners with a local church to offer an after school tutoring program twice a week. Staff accompany youth and young adults through relational connections in Retiro, a central transportation hub through which hundreds of thousands of people pass daily. The staff members also make visits to youth who have a home or a stable living situation. Team members may accompany staff on visits to Retiro, work at the after school program, and make home visits to the youth.

Chisinau, Moldova

An independent nation since 1991, one-third of Moldova’s children have at least one parent living abroad while one in ten live without both parents. Although stories of trafficking, exploitation and abandonment abound, WMF staff are committed to living as people of hope in Moldova in the midst of what often seems to be an impenetrable darkness. Team members will seek to build relationships with marginalized children and work with staff to offer holistic opportunities for development.

El Alto, Bolivia

The WMF Bolivia community seeks abundant life for those affected by prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia.  El Alto, previously a shantytown of La Paz, is a large urban center high in the Andes mountains.  The community has been a presence in the red-light district since 2001, and seeks to share God’s love with the women and their children by offering a place of refuge.  They seek transformation for these families through strategic workshops and tutoring for children.  They provide dignified employment for survivors of prostitution through their social enterprise, sutisana.  Please note that El Alto is over 13,000 feet above sea level.  The altitude can be deadly for those with sickle cell anemia and is not recommended for those with asthma, heart or respiratory conditions.

Lima, Peru

Team members will participate with the WMF staff in an on-going work among children in street contexts in Lima. The ministry focuses on relationships of love and justice with children who are nurtured at the WMF day center, on the street and in other care homes.

Galati, Romania

Team members will serve among at-risk children and young adults at the WMF drop-in center (The Valley House).

Freetown, Sierra Leone

The staff in Freetown are reaching out to the slum community of Kroo Bay. The WMF community is accompanying children and youth in Kroo Bay through education, discipleship, healthcare, and presence. They monitor school and trades training sponsorships, as well as, operate a Good News Club in the largest slum in Freetown. Team members will participate in ministry activities alongside WMF staff.
