The Wall of Prayer and Promise

We asked the kids at WMF Moldova what they hope for in the new space. They wrote or drew a picture of their hope on the wall in what we hope to be the dining room.

  • S drew a fork and knife and a Christmas tree.He wants to eat lunch together again and celebrate Christmas together in the new space.
  • M drew a picture of a water slide (from camp this summer).
  • Some drew pictures of flowers and a house. One drew a self-portrait. Another drew a cat.
  • D and M said they want to come back after graduation and volunteer with us.

We invite you to do the same. Leave a hope or prayer in the comment section below and we will write it on the wall.

You can help us lay a foundation of hope by making a donation. Make a donation and watch the bricks fill up with names on our wall of promise. Right now we are at 23% of our total goal of $90,000.



The young kids write their hopes for the new space.


I want to….
