Abundant Joy

Abundant Joy

WMF Sierra Leone (SL) is filled with active staff members, a vibrant community, and grateful participants. Our WMF SL staff is burdened by the broken nature and fallen patterns of the world that has left so many individuals in their community homeless, sick and without any family members. As WMF staff work to share the hope and love of Christ, they are continually struck by the ever present joy and resilience of their neighbors in Kroo Bay (the primary slum where WMF serves). 

Emma Crocker is a passionate, loving, joyful individual from Canada who felt the calling to serve the Lord abroad in 2015. After traveling to SL one time in 2016, she knew her heart was there and she wanted to serve long-term within the SL community. Emma serves as the community health coordinator. As Emma reflects on her time in SL, she is always struck by the beauty and strength of her adopted culture. 

What strikes Emma is the presence of joy that is cultivated by her Sierra Leonean friends that so many other Christians seem to miss. She reflects on her experience stating, “They know God to be the joy giver and the provider. They thank God for everything. They thank God for life. People here have experienced so much tragedy: war, the ebola epidemic, and day-to-day struggles, and now COVID-19. But though there’s so much fear and unknown in this time, they remain resilient and joy-filled, and it’s such a beautiful thing to see” (Emma, in an interview conducted by WMF International office staff). 

May our hearts never grow so weary and burdened by the world that we lack the flow of abundant joy produced by a life with Christ. As WMF International, we seek to share the word of God, and the hope and love of Jesus Christ experienced in our lives. May our joy reflect the abundance of love from which our words, actions, and relationships flow. As we continue to support the work of WMF SL, let us rejoice in what the Lord is doing around the world.


About Emma:

Emma Crocker is passionate about marginalized populations being heard, providing healthcare education (as the community’s nurse), advocacy, justice, women’s/children’s ministries, and worshipping God through music. Emma loves walking in nature, and finds so much peace in being outdoors. She is so grateful to be able to serve in the community of Kroo Bay.