Word Made Flesh Papua New Guinea seeks to love and obey Jesus by facilitating rural communities in the Sepik and Sandaun Provinces of PNG in addressing spiritual, intellectual, and physical needs.
Papua New Guinea’s many rural communities often have little or no access to medical aid, educational resources, or opportunities for economic growth. In addition, although PNG has a long history with Christian Missions, geographic isolation and language barriers have left many people in spiritual confusion. We hope to act as a catalyst, encouraging and facilitating rural communities in PNG to utilize their own expertise and potential in pursuing community health and spiritual growth.
Mission Statement
WMF Papua New Guinea serves rural communities in Papua New Guinea through evangelism, discipleship, and sustainable development. We are called to respond in obedience to the incarnational gospel of Jesus Christ – to enter into holistic relationship with communities and participate in His work of reconciliation and discipleship.
Learn about our staff & support financially.
About our Programming
WMF PNG live in the village of Baku and partner with the Yamano speaking community in five villages in addressing felt needs and offering learning and discipleship opportunities. We are currently in the process of building a Community Development Center where we have already hosted classes to train literacy workers, events facilitating interdenominational prayer and cooperation, and skills training opportunities. Our staff members are walking alongside our village of Baku in building a clean water system to supply the whole village and we are partnering with our village of Kumbawe to build a market structure and to help the primary school teachers in their English skills. As we grow in relationship, language fluency, and trust, we have had the opportunity both to support and learn from our community and to partner with Yamano believers in outreach to surrounding language groups. We are so blessed to live and walk with our Lord here in the "Land of the Unexpected".
Join us in Prayer
We invite individuals to support the WMF Papua New Guinea by joining us in prayer for their mission and the well-being of those they serve. Please pray for The Grimm family for spiritual and physical health. Please pray for Clemence Komnapi, the local pastor whose vision inspired this partnership, and for his family. Please pray for the Yamano villages that God would raise up people who are willing to participate in the hard work of growth. Pray that God’s Spirit would be at work to free people from the fear of sorcery and to empower them to work together towards common goals.