Serving Jesus among the most vulnerable of the world's poor.

Join us in discovering Jesus.

We confront the conditions and causes of poverty together.

Poverty is our problem, not a problem of only those experiencing it. The world is marred by brokenness, afflicted by the consequences of sin and oppression, with those experiencing poverty bearing the greatest burden. We affirm the dignity of those experiencing poverty by supporting sustainable access to resources and community development based on their personal needs.

Core Components of our Holistic Programming

An overview of the programming in our 10 local WMF communities and WMF partners.

WMG Info-02 (2)

Word Made Flesh Communities

Our Model


We listen to the communities we serve to understand their physical needs and heartfelt desires to inform the distribution of resources allocation of programming.


We respond in holistic, culturally sensitive ways by building relationships and utilizing local resources to best serve the identified needs in the local community.


We focus on long-term discipleship and communal commitment that is locally led, grounded, and sustainable. These relationships do not cease as poverty is alleviated.

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