October 2009 Prayer Letter

October 2009

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers during our time at camp. We had a great week. With a few last second changes we ended up being 26 children and 12 adults for the week. We went to the same location in the mountains where we have been for the last two years. The days were full of laughter, running and screaming, meals and snacks, worship, prayer, Bible studies, plays and songs, and plenty of other activities I’m sure I’m forgetting right now. There were four children for whom it was the first time being at camp. It’s always especially fun to see how they react. And, overall, the children all did really well and we had an amazing time together. Again, thank you for praying.

Yesterday was the first day of school here in Romania and, as usual, we are in a flurry of activity. We are figuring out how all of the children’s schedules fit together, which adults will stay with which kids, and lots of other organizational stuff. But the school year is underway and that is exciting. As I have done for several years now, this month I’m including a list of the children organized by grade. My hope is that this will help you as you pray for them.


2nd – Mihaela, Iulia

3rd – Cristina

6th – Ana, Flori

7th – Geanina, Ionela, Lavinia

9th – Cati, Eleni, Marcela


2nd – Vasile, Victor

3rd – Adi, Recard

4th – Cristi

5th – Florin M, Marian, Robert, Silviu, Stefan, Valentin

6th – Alin, Dorinel

7th – Florin R, George

8th – Daniel

9th – Elvis

There are also four children enrolled in two special schools that meet less frequently – one school on weekends from October to April and the other daily for only several weeks a year. These children and their grades: Alina (girl) and Mircea (boy) – 10th, Daniela (girl) – 8th, and Cristian (boy) – 6th grade.

Please hold all these children up in prayer this year. Pray that they do well in school. Pray for their families. Nearly all the children we serve among come from very difficult circumstances at home. Pray that each child will be a light wherever they go – at home, at school, and here at the day center. Pray that this will be a year in which Jesus draws each child closer to Himself.


Paul and Ana
