June Prayer Letter

June 2011

Dear Friends,

It has now been over two months since I have been working full time here at Word Made Flesh (WMF). The staff I have been serving with here in Omaha and the international staff whom I am meeting are incredible people. Their hearts are so rich, so inviting, and so affectionate. They have really welcomed me with open arms and made me feel a part of their community. The experiences that I have had and the people who I have gotten to know place a confirmation in my heart of the faultless timing of this new voyage that I have begun. At first I was a bit apprehensive of accepting the Community Liaison position, because of all the change it would bring to my life; but I cannot convey how delighted I am that I listened to The Spirit and where it was leading me. This opportunity is stirring my heart even more for woman and children as the days pass by – I am exactly where I have always dreamed of being.

Shortly after I started serving here in the office, we had a get together to reflect on a Field Visit that one of our staff members, Cesia, went on. During this trip she embarked across Asia with our co-director, bringing back story upon story. But one of the tales that really caught my attention was of Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok has a notorious commercial sex trade in which women and girls are trafficked from all over the world to service sexual cravings. Cesia explained that when you approach this main street which she visited, you will see women who prostitute on one side of the median and children playing with their mothers while they maintain their street vending businesses on the other side. She expressed her deep distress in detail as tears slowly filled her eyes. When she described the gruesome conditions even more, with the diversity and the culture that the people are surrounded by, our eyes were soon filled with tears as well. I then started thinking about justice, and the small impact we are called to have on each other and humanity. Right then, my heart was mildly calmed as I realized that Word Made Flesh, in very redemptive ways, help these young girls and women and provide them with alternative ways of living.

In addition to providing relief and help, we seek to practice these nine core values during our journey, to honor our friends around the world. I wanted to share them with you as they are becoming very vital in my rhythm of life.

  • Intimacy Celebrating intimacy with Jesus to be our highest calling and created purpose.
  • Obedience Celebrating obedience as our loving response to the grace of Jesus.
  • Humility Celebrating humility before God and humanity.
  • Community Celebrating community as a means for discipleship and service.
  • Service Celebrating service as an expression of our fellowship.
  • Simplicity Celebrating simplicity as a privilege in identification with Jesus and the poor.
  • Submission Celebrating submission to Jesus, each other and the poor.
  • Brokenness Celebrating brokenness as our responsibility in ministry among the broken.
  • Suffering Celebrating suffering as a willing sacrifice in serving Jesus

As I had the privilege to send you all a hand written note last month, I started reflecting on the different relationships which have bloomed throughout my life and how blessed I truly am to have crossed paths with all of you. Whether you have been a close friend, a mentor, a client, a listening ear, an international pin pal, or a family member; you have impacted my life in countless ways. I tear up as I think about sharing this new journey of my life with you, as I truly cherish your companionship and remarkable heart.

My support account is currently at the large amount of zero, but I am so trusting that His faithfulness will prevail as I start raising financial support. Because I am seeking to live on a modest full-time salary of $2,090 a month, I’m looking for 100 people to pledge $21 a month. But certainly one-time gifts are also very helpful. If you are unable to financially partner with me and WMF, please continue to keep me in your prayers and stay in touch – that means the world to me. During this new voyage I am striving even more to stay in contact with people who will truly support me in prayer and encourage me throughout this journey of faith – YOU ALL!

Joy and peace on your week to come,
