August 2002 Prayer Letter


Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from the Bluegrass State. In a matter of days we will begin composing our prayer letters from Cornhusker Country. Our move date, August 20th is quickly approaching.

By God's grace, during our second scouting visit to Omaha in July we were able to find a great office space to rent downtown in the Old Market and housing for Chris and me and two of our co-workers who are making the initial move with us. We are in awe at how God is leading us and providing for us in the move.

While we were visiting Omaha, I was reminded of the Scripture from Isaiah 30:21, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Our successful scouting trip is a testimony to God's faithful leading and direction.

There are still countless decisions that have to be made as we prepare to relocate. Sometimes the stress of a move of this nature can be overwhelming. But at the same time we are excited as we contemplate how God is moving and providing for us.

As Chris and I look back over the last six years, we are amazed at the growth of Word Made Flesh. It was in the fall of 1996 that our founding director resigned and the board asked Chris to assume the administrative responsibilities. At that time we were newly married and had plans to live in South India and work with the children's homes that Chris had helped start. With these plans suddenly thwarted, we found ourselves in a bit of disarray.

At the time, Chris and I were the only missionaries on staff with Word Made Flesh. Not knowing what the future would hold for us we began doing everything we could to maintain the administrative support structure required for sustaining our 2 children's homes in India. At the time of this sudden change of plans, we had no place to live and resigned to staying in the tiny one-room office. After a few weeks, the Lord blessed us with a family in town who opened their home to us until we could find an apartment. The college and seminary had started and so the apartments in town were already taken. Finally an apartment came open and we started renting our first home together— a small one-room apartment that has been our home to this day.

In the midst of all of this transition and an immediate increase in responsibilities, one of the things that kept us going was that we heard the Lord clearly say that He wanted to multiply us. Though we were so young, God had already exposed us to a great deal of suffering in the world and had invested much of His heart in us. Another clear word we heard from the Lord was, “To whom much is given much is required.” We really felt the Lord encouraging us as He led us each day, helping us carry these new responsibilities, with the promise that He would multiply us. At the time this kind of promise seemed impossible- we were just two kids (ages 25 and 23) struggling to take care of all the responsibilities of a mission.

Now, six years later and a few gray hairs added to our head, Word Made Flesh has grown from two missionaries to nearly one hundred, not including international staff. From ministry in one city in South India, we have grown to ministering in nine developing-world cities across the globe. Clothed with the passion of Christ, our communities reach out to children living on the streets, young people caught up in prostitution, children with AIDS, and abandoned babies and elderly women.

And so today as I reflect on all that God has brought us through from those early days, I am humbled to remember His power and His faithfulness. It truly is an honor to serve the Almighty God.

It goes without saying that Chris and my administrative responsibilities have grown incredibly since 1996. Our administrative office staff has had to expand from two to seven. In addition to serving administratively, Chris and I have the joy of serving our community in a pastoral capacity, visiting each community throughout the year and serving them in whatever ways we can.

In spite of all of this growth, Chris and I are still dependent on total missionary support. And so, together with you, we are able to continue in what God has called us to.

We want to thank you now more than ever for your prayers and support. Working with Word Made Flesh in ministry among the poor is a joy. Chris and I feel privileged to be a part of this movement. And we recognize that this ministry could not take place without your involvement. We cannot thank you enough for partnering with us.

As we move to Omaha our monthly expenses will increase. Please pray for us as we make all the adjustments. It is a joy to take you with us as we begin a new chapter in our life and ministry.

May God encourage you as you continue to give your all to Him.

Please let us know how we can pray for you. We will continue to receive mail through our current P.O. box in Wilmore. Our Wilmore office will stay open until January for receiving and receipting donations and for sending prayer letters.

in service with you,
