January 1999 Prayer Letter

   Compassion is hard work; it is crying out with those in pain; it is tending the wounds of the poor and caring for their lives; it is defending the weak and indignantly accusing those who violate their humanity; it is joining with the oppressed in their struggle for justice; it is pleading for help, with all possible means, from any person who has ears to hear and eyes to see. In short, it is a willingness to lay down our lives for our friends. (from Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life, Henri J.M. Nouwen)

Compassion… I feel as though I am just beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the meaning and implications of living a compassionate life. It is not enough to simply have pity on the one in need. Compassion demands my all. What am I really willing to do for the suffering one?

The Bible tells us that Jesus had compassion for people– so much compassion that He endured the cross… the Word also says that if we want to follow Jesus, we must take up our cross– lay down our lives…As we prepare to visit Romania and India, it is our prayer that we would truly demonstrate the compassion of Jesus.

We have much to learn, feeling like children in light of the responsibilities that God has given us. As we continue to direct Word Made Flesh, we desperately need your prayers– for wisdom, understanding, and discernment. Please continue to intercede with us on behalf of the poor.

We'll be in Romania and India for the next five weeks visiting our field staff. Please pray that we will be an instrument of compassion and blessing in their lives. It is our hope that the ministry of Jesus would freely flow through us.

Blessings to you!

