Community Care Center Update


Dear Friends,

Calendar Review: Where in the World are Chris and Phileena?

Well, currently we are in Omaha. I take that back. Chris left this morning at 5am for Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Since our last prayer letter, Chris and I have been on the go. In June and July we visited WMF communities in Bangkok, Thailand; Chennai, India; Kolkata, India; and Kathmandu, Nepal. In August we hunkered down in the office and began making preparations to receive the West Family from Kathmandu, Nepal. They relocated to Omaha due to some particular family needs and Silas has since been transitioning from ten years of service in South Asia to service in the Community Care Center with Amanda and me.

In September Chris and I took a much-needed vacation for three weeks and are now back in full-swing. We are refreshed and energized and ready to finish out the calendar year in full-force. We like to work hard and play hard, so vacation was a welcomed respite and renewal. Below is an overview of some of the more important meetings and speaking engagements for us during the remainder of this year.

09/27-28                  Cary, NC: Share the Blessings Organizational Consulting (Chris Only)

10/02-05                  Nebraska City: Omaha Community Retreat

10/07-08                  Houston, TX: Houston Baptist University (Chris Only)

10/10-13                  OTG: Jamie TWLOHA

10/13-15                  Wilmore, KY: ATS Chapel (Chris Only)

10/15-16                  ONG: Adrianne Thompson HOPE INTERNATIONAL

10/20-21                  Jackson, MS: Belhaven College (Chris Only)

10/22-26                  Seattle, WA: Faith, Film and Justice Conference

10/29                       Omaha, NE: Gross High School for 6 Classes for Dan Connelley (Chris Only)

11/06-08                  Omaha, NE: WMF Board Meetings

11/09-10                  Durham, NC: Jean Vanier & Stanley Hauerwas

11/11-12                  Durham, NC: CFR Board Meetings/Teaching Communities

11/14-17                  Decatur: GA: All Soul’s Presbyterian Church & Red Salon

11/30-12/ 6              Waxhaw, NC: Missionary Career Development Course (Phileena Only)

12/2-6                      Waxhaw, NC: PTM: Barnabas Int’l Conference (Phileena Only)

12/-4                        Project InterFaith Advisory Board Meeting, 7pm

12/09-11                 Philadelphia, PA: Speakers Gathering (Chris Only)

12/14                       Beggar’s Society: Pilgrimage & The Lifestyle Celebrations (Phileena Only)

Community Care Center: An Update

Upon returning from sabbatical at the beginning of the year Amanda (Coordinator of Community Care) and I took 3 full-day planning retreats to look over previous development plans since the inception of Community Care and to dream into the future.  In the thick of winter we spent 2 of the 3 days at a nearby forest (Fontenelle Forest) and let the energy of creation renew and inspire us.  It invigorated us to get out of our usual surroundings and sort of step out of the confines of our imagination to let the Spirit guide us.

These meetings proved to be very fruitful (Don’t let the photos fool you!) helping us draft a development plan for the next 3 years and envision future staffing needs for the Community Care Center (CCC).  We were able to clarify our purpose to create a community consciousness for spiritual formation, mental and emotional well-being and physical vitality.  Rather than staff depending on us or “WMF” in general to care for them, our hope is that we would find ways to empower our people to live into a thriving lifestyle of service. 

Another tangible fruit of our planning retreats was the decision to welcome Silas West to our community here in Omaha. The timing of his relocation fit perfectly for the needs of the CCC.  Silas’ 10 years of service in Nepal as a single guy, married man and father in addition to his childhood and teenage experience as a TCK will bring a storehouse of experience and wisdom to our community care efforts in addition to his service as a Servant Team Coordinator, Field Director and Regional Coordinator. 

I am happy to report that Hilary Wilken (former intern to the CCC) has decided to come on full-time as Assistant to the CCC! So we are currently accompanying her through support-raising and look forward to welcoming her to our team by the end of the year. We are very much looking forward to the synergy offered us with 4 full-time staff in the Community Care Center.  Much of my time this fall and into the coming months will focus on integrating Silas and Hilary into his new role.

Many of you have been praying for the development of the Community Care Center.  As you can see, we are reaping the fruits of your prayer.  Thank you so much! We trust that these staffing decisions will under gird our efforts toward a sustainable and thriving community among the world’s poor.

Communion, Community, Ministry

Being surrounded by very desperate and urgent needs among the world’s poor, it is essential that we remember Henri Nouwen’s admonition to seek first communion with God, authentic community relationships, and out of that grounded place of experience and knowing the love of God offer our unique expression in mission.  It is my hope that the community of WMF would continue to find its way living our prayer—that our service would be a natural expression of our intimacy with God. 

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  It seems few live into that truth.  Instead the yoke often feels very heavy and the burden almost too much to bear.  My prayer is that we would all find the way in which to live into the truth of an easy yoke and light burden that is graced with intimacy, kindness, justice, joy and peace.  Jesus shows us the way by saying that He is the way.  Step by step we are learning how to press into Him and be so in Him that the world sees an alternative way to violence, poverty and oppression.

With love, respect, and prayer,  
