october 2008

October 2008

Dear friends and family,

It seems this summer has flown by quickly and fall is here.  This summer was a busy time for me while I worked LOTS and tried to do some things I'm unable to do during the school year.  I was able to go home (my parent's house…oh Ron and Pam J) for a week…I haven't been home for that long since I went to college!  Oh, and I moved into a different apartment and still have a couple boxes to unpack.

Lately I've been focusing on my support account.  I need to start raising $800 a month that will go into my support account and toward my paycheck.  Please consider praying about committing to support me monthly.

A lot of people have been asking me what I actually do at WMF …and so I thought I'd use this prayer letter to tell you.  As the receptionist my main responsibility is to put all the support money into the appropriate accounts and do the weekly deposit.  Then I just have other small jobs like making sure we have passport and visa copies for all staff, keeping up with email, and updating our computer support program for our staff.

Question:  How does my job help the poor? Can sitting at a computer all day make a difference in the world?  Julie Neher, a former staff member in Nepal, reflected on her time in Nepal, comparing it to her life now as a stay at home mom.  Service is an attitude. Living with the most vulnerable in Nepal was service because of her attitude. And in Omaha, staying at home with her son is still service for Christ because service is an attitude.

Traditionally people want to support the  relationship part of ministry, in this case the staff overseas, but both sides are important because they are unable to serve without the other.  I am unable to do my job without the field staff and they are unable to do their job without my job.  Both are equally important/necessary.

I love Word Made Flesh and what we stand for.  I love that my job was created for the poor, who Christ spent His time with.  This is something that rings in my heart.  Whether I'm putting a check in Quickbooks, nurturing a relationship or praying, it's about my attitude that can determine it as service for Christ.

Thank you so much for being in my life and for the love you continue to show me.  You are all in my prayers.

Love, Michelle

P.S. Yes, I'm still going to school full-time and I'm studying biology at UNO.