October prayer letter

October 2007

Dear friends and family, Greetings from Lima! We are back into the full swing of community life here in Lima, heading into spring. Each morning we wait with baited breath and try to predict whether we will see the sun. The seasons do change here, but much more slowly, and with less intensity than in temperate climates. Oddly, we are getting less and less accustomed to the "cold" weather here which rarely gets below 50F. The Peruvians say that we are "becoming Peruvian."

Maybe we're just getting old like Isa says (she's seven going on 14). Isabel's favorite word to start off sentences with now is "evidently." For example, "Evidently you didn't know that I was hungry," or "Evidently I didn't hear you tell me to clean my room." She then looks at us from the corner of her eye to see if we might smile at her big girl ways.

Natalia is also learning how to make us laugh, and will literally throw herself on the floor if it gets us to giggle. Her favorite times are when the whole family is together hugging her, probably attempting to take a bite out of her chubby cheeks, and giving and receiving kisses.

The first week of October, Brian travels to Romania with some Peruvian co-workers to visit the WMF community there, to learn from their community model and to see their ministry center. In late October Rachel travels to Chile for a women's retreat organized by Women of the Harvest. Please pray for our family during these times of separation.

In addition to travel, we as Directors are leading the effort to look for a ministry center and the hiring of potentially three new Peruvian staff, all of which will probably happen before the end of the year. Exciting, yes. And stressful. Please pray that God would guide our hearts and that we would walk in humble acceptance of God's will for this community.

Lots of love

the langleys