




December 2006


In one day, I was forever changed.  For nine months we prepared and planned and thought on what was to come, but not until that day, did I become so altered.  From the beginning I knew and was linked with this tiny little being.  But that hot, humid day at the end of February, the Friday when Carnaval (Rio's version of Mardi Gras) celebrations were just beginning, she came.  And I became known as mother.  She hasn't even been here a year, and it already seems like we've spent a lifetime with her.  These months have been marked by diapers full of poop, sleepless nights, kissing soft fat cheeks, playing peek-a-boo, infectious laughter, nestling heads against chests, chasing kitties.


And as Christmas nears, I'm inclined to think about Jesus' mother.  We often dismiss her role in history, but Jesus' relationship with her was arguably the most intimate that he shared with any human.  As Jean Vanier, in his book The Broken Body, ponders the special relationship Jesus had with his mother, he beseeches, “lead us along the road that we may know Jesus and love him, as you knew and loved him.”  Having a baby in Rio far away from our families and with doctors whose language I'm still learning, even though the medical care was excellent, wasn't my first choice!  But in a stable!  No way!  How she loved! How she sacrificed!  How she knew Him so intimately!    


“For none like her enveloped his body, touched his body, loved his body, washed his body, venerated his body.  The body of Christ flowed from her body, the fruit of her womb.  It was her body that nourished his body: her breasts gave him the energy and nourishment to grow; her touch protected him and revealed to him that he was loved; her presence made him sing with joy; the light in her eyes called forth the light in his.  Before she was touched and sanctified by his words, she had been touched and sanctified by his body, the Temple of God, the sacred place where God resides” (The Broken Body). 


How beautiful that God would allow a human to be so close to Him.  That a woman could birth, nourish, strengthen and teach God!  And that he would do the same for her!


The mother is a blessed creation.  There are so many young mothers on the streets in Rio.  While women and children are loved and celebrated in Brasilian culture, women on the streets are marginalized, pushed to the side and ignored.  They suffer most at the hands of unemployment, domestic violence, and uncaring husbands. Yet in them, we see the designed love of God as the cling to their children. We see them provide life in a world where abuse and exploitation abound. But these women and their children are so valuable in the Kingdom of God.  We serve a God who was born to a young frightened mother, and drew his first breath in a dirty, unimportant cave. The picture of Christ and Mary has been born anew many times this year as we see the families of our streets struggle through life. Jesus has come to give us all new life, nourishment, strength and holiness.  


Thank you for loving, praying, giving, sacrificing, and journeying with and for us in 2006.  We pray that you experience all of the blessings of Christmas this year.  Please continue to pray for us in the coming year.  We are hopeful and excited about the things that the Lord has for us on 2007!


Feliz Natal!


Rich, Rebecca, & Anna Nichols