
“He is not here; [Jesus] has RISEN, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”

Matthew 28:6


Dear Loved Ones,


We begin this letter with some great news.  This week we found out that our permanent visa applications were approved!  Since Anna was born over two years ago, we've been working on the application process and waiting to hear word.  We assumed it would be an open and shut case since Anna was born in Rio, but you never can be sure.  We're grateful to the Lord that we soon (after just a little more paperwork on our part) will be the recipients of permanent Brasilian visas!


We ask you to pray this month for some friends that we know. 


A few months ago we wrote about the miraculous changes that have been taking place in our friend, Eduardo's life.  Early last year, he expressed sincere desire to get off the streets and to begin making changes in his life.  We had the privilege of walking with him through a Christ centered drug treatment program and were witnesses to the transformation in his life in so many areas-physically, emotionally and spiritually.  It has been such a joy to be a part of the life of the emerging new Eduardo.  But Eduardo has been the victim of Satan's attacks recently.  We think he has been holding strong, but he has experienced the desire of the companionship of his friends and girlfriend from the street.  Pray that the blood of the risen Christ that we celebrate would cover and strengthen him always, and especially through this period of trial.


The other is a family that we have known for over two years.  The couple has five children still living at home.  You may have prayed for our five year old friend who was in the hospital for six months with a staff infection in the bone of his leg.  He is a member of this family.  The house our friends were living in was made of plywood and other sundry materials.  Obviously weak, during a recent storm, the roof blew away in the wind causing the rest of the house to collapse.  Thankfully no one was at home, but with few resources, the family became homeless.  Wanting to help prevent this family from becoming permanently homeless, WMF Brasil decided to offer a small loan to help the family buy a house made of brick.  They moved in mid-March.  Pray that this new home would be a safe place for all of them.  Pray that repaying the loan would give them a sense of accomplishment and pride.  Pray that they would begin to understand Christ's love and sacrifice for them.


We want to expressly thank all of you for the generous ways that you have supported us recently.  Even with the dramatically declining value of the dollar, high inflation rates, and increase in our personal expenses (due to moving out of the favela), the Lord has provided everything that we have needed.  And you have been the Lord's instrument.  Thank you!


Much love,

Rich, Rebecca & Anna Nichols


Rua dos Araujos, 66/202


Rio de Janeiro, RJ



rich.nichols@wordmadeflesh.com   rebecca.nichols@wordmadeflesh.com