October, 2006 Prayer Letter

The following letter is written by Jose Luisa Palacios, Peruvian Field Staff for the WMF community in Lima, Peru.  As the majority of the Peruvian staff receives their salaries through support given to the WMF Peru ministry account, they desire to express their gratitude through these regular communications.  We hope that this can become a way in which God can bring more intimacy and fellowship between us.  If you wish to stop receiving these communications, please let us know.

Brian and Rachel Langley
WMF Peru Field Directors

translated by Brian Langley

Beloved friends,

My wife Viviana and I have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you in order to thank you for your prayer support and financial gifts for the work of WMF in Lima, Peru, as we minister among the poorest of the poor.  I want to also take this opportunity to ask for your continued prayers and gifts for the growth of the WMF Peru community.

Specifically, we covet your prayers for the following:

Street Ministry: This is our commitment to the young person who is still living on the street; we bring breakfast to them, organize activities, both recreational and devotional, sharing the Word of God with them in relationship.  We take time to listen to their stories, their problems, and seek appropriate ways to help.  On a personal note, I have learned a lot from these friends of ours; I have learned about respect, and humility.  It is a very beautiful thing when one of our friends who is still struggling on the street says, “Speak to me of Jesus,” or, “Let's sing some more praise songs.”  To be speaking of these things and doing these things in the least desirable physical places of this city makes the beauty of God's presence shine all the more bright.

Family Care ministries: The young people that we have been in relationship with for some time and who have been able to get off the street face significant challenges as well, and we would covet your prayers for them too.  Their struggle is to somehow reintegrate themselves, or integrate for the first time in some cases, into society.  Working, taking care of their children, meeting their families economic needs such as school fees both for themselves as uneducated young adults, and for their own young children for whom they have to fight hard so that they can have a better life, medical fees, and legal document fees (as many of them don't even have the necessary, official legal documents yet) make reintegrating into society just as hard as leaving life on the street.  Pray for them as we are committed to helping in the ways that we can and as God leads us.

Indifference in Peruvian society: Pray that hearts would be softened in Peruvian society towards young people living on the street; pray that God would break up the indifference that is so prevalent.

Building purchase: Pray for us and consider helping us purchase a building of our own wherein we can have day and evening programming for all the areas of ministry in which this community is committed among street populations in central Lima.

Personal: Although we have never met in person, I want to ask that you pray for me personally, that God would give me wisdom to minister His Word; that I would stay encouraged in this work; that my heart would never grow tired of loving others; that I would find the truth of being “more than a conqueror” when the enemy attacks me with suffering and problems; that God would strengthen me when I am weak; that my wife would be blessed with good health; and finally for peace and provision in my extended family.

Thank you with all my heart for your support, for the love that you give us is the same love that we receive from God.

Jose Luis Palacios