February 2006 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

Our Christmas celebrations this year were a knock-down-drag-out success.  In other words, everything went really well and we had tons of fun.  It was great having my sister and her family here for all of the festivities.  Seeing the week and our work in general through their eyes was really encouraging.  Thank you for praying for their time here.  They had a great trip.

We spent the two nights before Christmas going caroling with the kids.  The first night we went to all the homes of the children's families.  The second night we went all over the city to the homes of staff members, staff members' families, and other friends and supporters of our ministry here.  And when I say we went all over, I mean it.  We were out and about for something like seven hours that second night.  Some of the younger kids had to be carried home.  I'm serious.

Christmas Night at The Valley House (that's the new name for the day center) was all I had hoped it would be and more.  We read the Christmas Story together with all of the staff and children.  We sang Christmas carols and hymns together.  We prayed together.  And we played together a whole bunch.  At 10pm we had a large, several-course dinner together.  For those of you keeping score at home, I ate 22 sarmale (a kind of traditional Romanian food that is, obviously, very tasty).

After dinner, all the kids got to open their presents.  Each child received one gift, a shoebox stuffed full of goodies – toys, stuffed animals, clothes, school supplies, etc.  As in years past, I especially enjoyed watching the kids who are new to the ministry this year.  Their eyes are always the widest.  And, finally, after dinner we started our traditional all-night movie marathon.  And, yes, most of the kids fell asleep.

Thank you for remembering us during the Christmas season.  I know your prayers were sustaining us through what is always a very busy time.  Please continue to pray for the children, the boys on the streets, Moise at the boys' home, and all of the staff.  We're firmly back into the swing of our regular schedules now and looking forward to all that 2006 has in store.
