May 2005





Hello friends.

In case you don't know…

My name is Rachel E Simons.

I'm from New Hampshire ( Massachusetts , originally).

I just turned 25 on April 11.

I spent my birthday in an airplane, flying from Nebraska to New Hampshire .

My favorite color is green.

I live in a city of 350,000 people called Galati (pronounced Galats) in Eastern Romania .

I like to play guitar and sing.

I also like to plant flowers and get my fingers dirty in the garden.

In the past six months I have been to many places including Istanbul , Turkey ;

Kathmandu , Nepal ; Calcutta , India ; Chennai/Madras, India ; Omaha , Nebraska .

I had a little culture shock in Omaha because I've never been to the Midwest before.

The children in Romania call me Richair, Rainchel and Raychay because they can't always pronounce my name correctly.

I really like Dunkin' Donuts and have been more times than I care to admit in the past

three weeks while in the States.

I'm trying to grow my hair long.

My favorite season is autumn.

I listen to James Taylor, jazz and lots of other kinds of music.

I will soon be moving to a studio apartment where I hope to paint the walls yellow.

I will live alone, but probably won't be alone very much.

In Romania , we have a steady stream of visitors from April through December.

I also have another Servant Team coming in August.

So what else do you want to know about me? Just write me at:

or the old fashion way at: Rachel Simons, OP 6 CP 256, Galati 800.760, Romania

This is not my usual format for a prayer letter, but after three years of the same, I thought I'd change things up a bit. It was great to see many of you in March and April. As always, you are a blessing and encouragement to me.

Remember, you can check out prayer updates for Romania on the web page:

I'll include them here as well.

With love,



Pray for:  


Easter is on May 1 st this year in Romania . Every Easter we host a banquet and time of singing and skits with all the children. Pray for the message of Easter to ring true in our hearts as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ together.  


Praise God for providing Fanel , a committed volunteer who is resurrecting the garden after a long winter and getting the children involved in planting vegetables for the summer season. Pray for Fanel's smooth integration into the community with the staff and children and for continued guidance in how God is calling him to serve.  


Pray for strength and wisdom for Joel, Monica, Lau and Gabi who serve in the Boys' Home. Mihai is the newest boy who joined us in early March. He needs our prayers for his health problems, including anemia.


Vasca needs our prayers as he studies to finish the 8 th grade and then decides which kind of secondary school to attend.  

Pray for the Sierra Leone staff, Noah, Cami, and Faye who are coming to Romania for several weeks. Pray for a time of rest and refreshment for them.  

Pray for our regional (Eastern Europe/Africa) staff retreat during the first week of May. After our Easter celebration, we plan to spend five days in the mountains together, with times of solitude and prayer coupled with sharing and worship each day. Together with local staff, volunteers and the Sierra Leone staff, we will be about thirty in attendance.