June 2004





Dear friends,

Thanks for your patience in not hearing from me in two months. It has truly been a busy spring for me. I still have no computer of my own, but my Dad was able to take my computer back to the States with him and get it repaired so I should be back on track in June.

Having my parents come for a visit in April was wonderful. It was very important for me to have them meet all the people I have grown to love here in Galati . The time went by fast, and my Dad had the unfortunate challenge of getting around on a sprained ankle after he tripped on an uneven sidewalk. But all in all, it was a very special time. I look forward to spending some more time with them and my other relatives in June when I’ll be home for a visit.

Leading my first Servant Team has been going much better than I could have expected. They have taught me so much and blessed me with their love. I will truly miss Bethany, April and Gwen when they leave at the end of May.

This spring we have had two parent meetings and I am so encouraged to see the attendance of the parents (mostly moms). They have been very receptive and enthusiastic about our discussions and teaching concerning parenting methods and attachment disorders. In addition to teaching on parenting, Lenuta shared about the importance of the Bible, prayer and the presence of God in the work that we do. Several of the moms commented on the change they see in their children since they have been attending the drop-in center which is a great encouragement to us.

As I prepare to leave Romania for a period of five weeks, I have reflected on how much I have grown to love the people and community here. Following is a history of the community (written by David Chronic) as well as a short excerpt from my journal.

In 1998, David Chronic, our field director and pioneer of WMF Romania, came to Galati and worked alone with the children on the streets, praying that God would send others to serve with him. In December of 1998, God answered that prayer, sending Vali Stefan .

Though initially intimidated by the older street boys, Vali started to make relationships with the children. She helped run a Drop-In Center from a 4-room apartment, doing everything from cleaning and cooking to teaching. Today Vali is the Coordinator of the Community Center. She oversees and supports the staff, monitors the children’s progress, visits families and makes sure that we are all working together and going in the right direction.

Throughout 1999 another volunteer named Nina Sinca began helping with the kids. Because of her art background, she began working with the children through crafts, games and art therapy. In December of 1999, a visitor gave a donation which would cover one salary for two months. Nina was employed in faith that her salary would be covered beyond that…and God has been faithful. Nina has develops amazing art programs and Bible lessons as well as helps children with their homework.

Also in 1999, Cristina Tudose began teaching school lessons to the children. She started working full-time in 2000 and currently maintains relationships with the different schools and teachers, helps the children progress in their schoolwork, and coordinates our volunteers, the most frequent of which are: Bodgan Chelariu, Ancuta Chelariu, Laura Dragomirescu, Ana Maxim, Lidia Moscu and Anca Nebunu.

In 2000 Bela Ispas began helping the children with their school lessons. After a few months, he began helping the community with legal and administrative aspects. Now he is the Director of Administration and oversees most of our organizational and financial activities.

In July 2000 Joel and Monica Klepac moved to Galati from Kentucky . They have challenged everyone with their long term commitment to the children. Over the years they have helped the children with schoolwork, developed our gardening project, and helped in our various construction projects. In 2003 they gave birth to their son, Simeon . Now they are the nucleus of a family for older boys coming off the streets.

In 1998 David moved into an apartment with four street boys and Lau Archip . Later in 2000, Lau moved to the other side of Romania to serve among street children, but also continued to serve WMF in 2001 as the Vice-Chair of our Board of Directors. In 2002 Lau moved back to Galati and again lived with David at the new Community Center. Lau is our jack-of-all-trades, doing everything from computer lessons with the children to construction projects. He is now the Executive Director of Word Made Flesh Romania .

Since 2001 Catalina Gutau has helped the school children with their homework. Recently she has been responsible for the hour of game and play therapy for the street children. This year Catalina will run our garden activities.

In 2001 Cornel Munteanu took a training course in cooking and has since worked in our kitchen. Recently, Cornel has grown tired of cooking and has tried doing other jobs around the Community Center. Pray for Cornel as he is constantly faced with many temptations from his past and from his family.

In 2002 Seth and Kari A. moved from Colorado to Galati . They have spent a lot of time on our construction and gardening projects. Now they carry pastoral responsibilities for our growing community.

I participated in a Servant Team in 2000 before making a longer-term commitment to Romania in 2002. I’ve been active in leading worship for the community and for the children as well as making visits to the children’s families. I also serve as the Coordinator of Servant Teams.

In 2002 Mihaela Bacnasu began serving as a volunteer and straightened out our bookkeeping. In 2003 Mihaela become full-time staff and takes care of all of our accounting as well as finding time to be with the children.

In 2003 Paul Rase moved from Thailand to Romania . He spends a lot of time keeping the children healthy through his work in our medical clinic. He also has been facilitating much of our street activities. Paul is praying about beginning a work in the former Soviet Union with girls caught in prostitution.

In 2003, God sent Rodica Vladoiu to be our head chef. Thanks to her we serve healthy meals to about 60 people per day! Though it is a stressful job, her sacrifice is a daily love offering to the children.

In 2003 we employed Emi Patriche . For many years, Emi came to the Community Center in order to get back into school and to help him stay at home. Because of his openness to learn and ability to follow through, we gave Emi the responsibility of keeping the entire Community Center clean. Now he is getting his diploma in cooking and working in the kitchen.

In December 2003 we employed Gabriela Angheluta , who had volunteered for several months at the Community Center, to work in the boys’ home. Concurrently, we also hired Viorel Manolache to work at the boys’ home. Sadly for us, Viorel was called to work with OM in Yugoslavia for a short time and then hopes to work full-time in Turkey . But we are glad to be able to participate in Viorel’s calling and send him as a community.

The members of our local board of directors, who are not involved in the daily activities of the community but who are essential supporters in all we do, include Lenuta Chronic as the chairperson and Anna Burtea who serves as our secretary (as well as medical advisor). The newest board member is Valeriu Mihai, who has just recently joined our board.

Without these people who are committed to serving Jesus a
mong the poorest of the poor, we would not be able to do what we do. So, please pray for these servants because God is using them to touch, bless, and preach the Good News to the poor.


I am looking forward to my time home with family and at the WMF staff retreat June 18-28. It will be wonderful to see many of you in person at Byfield Parish and at FCCO in Ossipee on June 13. Keep me in prayer as I share my heart and spend time in fellowship with so many whom I love but don’t see very often.

In Christ,


May 8, 2004

Hope rises up in the bosom of Spring. Clouds rain down, bringing life, love, hope. Together we find hope, we live, learn, love. Loneliness is utter despair. Community fosters hope. A tiny seed, planted in a vast forest. From this tiny seed springs life, and later a flower. Many come to admire the flower, the fragrance of its petals forever imprinted on their memories.

Who could have known that such a tiny seed would grow into a stunning, radiant rose? And now she stands, lifts her face towards the sun, giving God praise for her beauty.