December 2000 Prayer Letter

Now you're here and you're more then we had dreamed of. Now your hear and you know we think the world of you. I thank my God who has answered our prayers and delivered you safe in his care. 'Cause now you're here. Close your little eyes, rest your sweet head, mom and dad will pray for you and put you to bed. We'll be your friends and will help you grow and help you learn the things you should know. -Accapella Christmas


Dear Friends and Family-

As we prepare for Christmas, so many thought come to mind. Each year as I celebrate advent I am focused on the arrival of Christ. I find myself pondering the thoughts of those who would meet the Christ child. Wondering if they knew what was coming, wondering what doubts and fears they had as they awaited the arrival. This year is no different, however instead of reflecting on each person I find my thoughts centering on Mary.

Of course my reflection on Mary comes as I question and wonder about the birth of our son, at the end of January. I can almost feel the fear that Mary held. What is going to happen in this far city of Bethlehem? Who will support me and hold my hand as my son arrives? Why can't I stay at home and be supported by my mother? How will I know what to do? What if something goes wrong? Will we have a comfortable place to stay in Bethlehem? Will there be someone to show me how to care for this young child when he arrives? Where will he sleep? There must have been many questions that Mary had.

However God provided or her. But did she question the provisions? “Yes I asked for support but I really wanted more then my husband, maybe another women and not one that walks on four legs and moos. Comfortable, you call this comfortable a bunch of straw in a smelly barn? You think he should sleep in a trough used for eating? Ok God, he is your son as much as mine, what ever you think is best. I trust you to provide for his needs.”

But after all that questioning and worrying Mary held her son. He was the child that she felt moving inside her for so many months. He was the reason that she dealt with the unending heartburn. The reason that the trip to Bethlehem took so long as they had to make so many toilet breaks. He was her son. As she held him close to her and tried to smell that wonderful new baby smell, what did she think? Did she say, “I love you my precious son? I want the best in the world for you. I will stand by you and protect you with a mother's love.”

As Mary held this precious child, she didn't know the pain that his future would hold. As she dedicated him at the temple she didn't realize the full extent of giving him to God. As Silas and I prepare for our son, I pray that we will place him in God's hands no matter what that may hold. Pray that as he grows he will see Christ exemplified in our lives. Just as Mary prayed for her son's future and trusted God to provide for him, pray that we will do likewise.

May the Christ reveal more of His heart to you this Christmas,

Silas and Kimberly West