October, 2008 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

We are writing from Omaha, Nebraska where we are now settled into our new home and beginning to figure out what life in the USA means for our family.  We arrived in Omaha on the 2nd of August and had a couple of weeks to settle in and get things unpacked.  Unfortunately, we brought back more than our luggage from Nepal.  A couple of the children in Karuna Ghar were sick the week before we were leaving with some kind of stomach virus.  Try as we might to keep our kids away from it (how can you say goodbye to people you have lived with your entire life without hugs and kisses?), Elijah began throwing up in Bangkok and continued across the Pacific Ocean.  The virus passed hands to all except Kimberly once we landed.  Nevertheless, our flights went extremely well and our arrival was smooth.  We had an amazing group of friends who were organized into a re-entry team.  They moved our things into our house prior to our arrival, put groceries into the fridge and supported us in countless ways as we got adjusted. 

The adjustment is still difficult for our family.  We desperately miss our friends in Nepal and there is so much about life here that is different for our family.  As adults we have learned so many ways to hide our feelings even from ourselves.  So we find that its our kids who best express where we are at in the transition.  Last night, during an evening out with just her and Silas, Adia (who is only six) asked, "If we miss Nepal and our friends there so much, why did we have to leave?"  Adia misses her 'sisters' in Karuna Ghar so much.  Not a day goes by without something reminding her of them which is always followed by some tears.  A few weeks ago at a friend's birthday party, Adia decided not to have any cake or ice-cream.  Silas asked her why and she said, "My sisters at Karuna Ghar aren't having any so I don't want to have any either."  Nearly every birthday party Adia has ever been to have been with her friends in Nepal. 

Kimberly has started a new year of homeschooling with the kids.  This year Elijah is starting pre-kindergarten so she has three students.  The kids seem to be doing well with their studies.  They enjoy the field trips to the zoo and parks which is something that they couldn't do in Nepal. 

Silas is now working at the Word Made Flesh office in the Community Care Department as Coordinator of Community Care with an Emphasis on Mental and Emotional Well-Being.  He brings his ten years of experience on the field in Nepal into a setting where he can offer support to the WMF staff working overseas.  So far he is finding many ways to combine his experience with the gifts he has to serve the community.  He enjoys what he is doing and feels it a privilege to be a part of the Community Care Team. 

We have been asked on several occasions how we are being supported now.  We are still raising 100% of our support.  By doing this, we are able to stand in solidarity with our co-workers overseas who must also raise their support.  Also, it means that WMF can limit the percentage it must take out of donations and support that come in because it does not have to pay its support staff.  Currently our monthly support is covering nearly all our monthly needs.  But our support account is $8,000 negative following the purchase of our return tickets from Nepal.  Please pray with us that this is recovered quickly. 

We are also praying for additional monthly support beginning in 2009 so that Silas can begin a master's level program in counseling.  This will increase his effectiveness in the role he is currently serving in.  While WMF is able to use a counselor outside of the community to meet the emotional and mental needs of its staff, one who has experience on the field would be invaluable.  So we ask you to please pray with us for this need. 

Finally, we continue to remember those dear to us in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The financial needs of the community in Nepal continue to be at the top of our prayer list.  Though the new staff members who recently arrived there means an increased awareness and more opportunity for support, our friends in Nepal still need us to advocate on their behalf.  So if you feel the Spirit leading you to give to the WMF Nepal Field, they would appreciate it greatly. 

We welcome you correspondence if you have any questions about our transition and new roles in Word Made Flesh.  Silas can be reached by phone Mondays through Fridays 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central Time at 1-800-CRY-4-KIDS.  We also look forward to visiting you and would be open to schedule a time to share or speak at your church, Sunday School or Small Group.  So give us a call or email us at silas.west@wordmadeflesh.com

Thank you for your care and please continue praying for us as we navigate this transition and new chapter in our lives. 

With Love,

Silas West ( for Kimberly and the kids) Coordinator of Community Care Word Made Flesh 1013 Leavenworth St. Omaha, NE 68102 USA


Mobile: 402-990-4979 Office: 402-991-4949 Fax: 402-991-5199 Email: silas.west@wordmadeflesh.com Web: www.wordmadeflesh.com