Good Friday Prayer

The prayer for Good Friday is submitted by David Bayne of WMF Argentina.

Have mercy on us,

Son of the living God,

Healer of lepers, feeder of the hungry,

Releaser of the oppressed, bringer of wholeness,

Christ crucified, Eternal God

Have mercy on us.

Help us to lay down our own lives daily,

And consciously take on Christ’s life,

May we consider the needs of others as more important than our own,

Teach us, Lord, to live the life of the cross.

Enable us to live a life of service and not of selfish ambition,

Empower us to reach out with compassion and care,

May we identify with the poor, the marginalized, and the vulnerable,

Teach us, Lord, to live the life of the cross.

Encourage us to extend ourselves in serving and loving,

Being willing to walk the extra mile,

May we reach out to all those who suffer and are in pain.

Teach us, Lord, to live the life of the cross.

Forgive us for when we discard Christ’s life,

And so quickly reach for our own ways again,

For it is in dying to ourselves that we find life and enter the ways of your kingdom.

Teach us, Lord, to live the life of the cross.

“A Litany for Good Friday.” Taken from A Journey Into Wholeness (Lenten Guide 2009) by Christine Sine.