Fast Day Prayer, Litany of Resistance

For May 15, a portion of Litany of Resistance from Christian Peacemaker Teams’ website

One: Let us pray – You have learned how it is said
All: Love your neighbor and hate your enemy
One: But I say this to you who are listening
All: Love your enemies
One: Do good to those who hate you
All: Bless those who curse you
One: Be compassionate
All: Judge not
One: Do not condemn
All: Grant pardon
One: Because the amount you measure out
All: Is the amount you will be given back
One: Let everything you do
All: Be done in love
One: Blessed are the poor
All: For theirs is the kingdom of God
One: Blessed are they who mourn now
All: For they will be comforted
One: Blessed are the meek
All: For they will inherit the earth
One: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice
All: For they will be satisfied
One: Blessed are the merciful
All: For they will be shown mercy
One: Blessed are the pure in heart
All: For they will see God
One: Blessed are the peacemakers
All: For they will be called the daughters and sons of God
One: Blessed are they who are persecuted because of righteousness
All: For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.