May 2009 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

I got married! Sorry, I just had to say that right up front. But seriously, thank you so much for your prayers for Ana and I these past few months. Our wedding and reception were both better than either of us could have imagined. The children and our fellow workers were all able to be with us on our big day, as well as Ana’s family and lots of our local friends. Plus my sister, Cindy, and her husband, Tony, were able to be here, as well. That was really nice for me. Again, thank you for your prayers and for your many words of support and encouragement through email, Facebook, etc. They were all received with much appreciation!

The month of May is a big one for the children Ana and I work with on a daily basis. You will likely remember that seventh and eighth-graders have three big tests (in Romanian, math, and geography or history) that they take twice a year. The results of these tests play a major role as to whether or not the child will be able to go to high school and, even more importantly, into which high school they are accepted. The Romanian test is on May 5th and the math test is on May 13th (sorry, I’m not sure about the third one yet). Please pray for the children. There’s quite a bit of pressure surrounding these tests, so they always get a little stressed out. Pray that they would have peace and that they do their best.

Finally, Ana and I still have not set our dates for visiting Omaha this summer. However, we will most likely be there during the month of July. Hopefully, next month I’ll be able to let you know about a date for the reception we hope to have in Omaha. One big prayer item, though, is that Ana will receive a visa for the U.S. without any problems. You might think that she can automatically come to the States since she is my wife, but that’s not the case. She still has to apply just like everyone else and there is still an outside chance that she would not be accepted. We will likely go through this process sometime this month (in May). Please pray for us. It would be really sad if we couldn’t visit this summer. We are both very much looking forward to seeing you again/meeting you for the first time.

