June 2009 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

First of all, I want to appologize for the lateness of my last letter or two (and possibly this one, as well). I received an email a few days ago that the company in Omaha that prints our letters for us has been going through some difficulties and have fallen behind a bit. But just so you know, the problem is being addressed and our letters should be coming out near the beginning of each month again sometime soon.

As I write this letter, Ana and I are still a week or two away from going to the American embassy in Bucharest to apply for her visa, but we have gone ahead and chosen a date for our reception in Omaha with the hope that all goes well. That means there will be a party for Ana and me on Saturday, July 11th, in Omaha and I really hope we can be there. I hope you can be there, too.

Here at the day center the buzz of spring and early summer are in the air. The children are busy at school, but talk is quickly turning to the end of the school year and summer vacation. The children Ana and I work with are taking their yearly exams and finishing up various projects for their classes. The eighth-graders (of which we have four) are starting to fill out applications for high school. The different high schools around the city all have different specializations and different requirements for getting in. These four teens all have hopes of getting into certain programs at certain schools. Please pray with us that the Lord will lead them clearly into the coming year.

Please pray with us, also, as we begin to plan our summer program. We had a great summer last year, so we will likely have a program very similar. But we also want to hear from the Lord, remaining open to make the changes He is speaking.

And finally, please continue to pray for our community as we are still in a time of transition. There are staff persons and children that have recently left. We will have had three different weddings in only six months. There will be a new baby in our community this August. Rachel Simons will be gone this summer and fall on sabbatical. And early next year several workers will be moving to Moldova to begin a new WMF field. Nearly all of the changes facing us are positive, but they still seem to add up to more than the sum of their parts when experienced all together. Please continue to pray that the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ will be upon us.

