August Prayer Letter

August 2009


Yet any who did accept the Word, who believed in that Name, were empowered to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor urge of flesh, nor human will – but born of God. John 1:12-13


It is really important for me to hear stories from the fields, to read prayer letters/online articles whenever I can, to send emails/notes and to pray when someone is on my heart. But nothing beats getting to spend time face-to-face with field staff; having conversation, asking questions, listening to their stories and building friendship! I want to invite you into the lives of the staff more; I think it is a beautiful way to remember God’s heart for the poor and promises for redemption. We were really fortunate to have a few staff visit us in July! Two visitors, Paul and Ana Rase who are Field Staff in Romania, actually spoke at Beggars Society (our monthly advocacy meeting that features guest speakers); what they shared that evening offered a lovely glimpse into their lives and it is important that you hear from them.


In 2001 the Romania field established a community center where they work with at-risk kids in an after-school program; helping with homework, playing soccer, creating art, playing/making music, having chapel time and praying with the kids. They provide a safe environment for the children to go when they are not either on the streets or in abusive/negligent homes. Paul and Ana have both been a part of this ministry for 6 years! They have a deep love for the children, great joy in sharing life with the kids, honest hope for their restored lives and incredible faithfulness in God’s promises.


This is a paraphrased excerpt from what Ana shared at Beggars Society:

We know we can’t change them – we can’t change the children we can’t change their lives. What we can do is be there with them when God is working in their lives, when change comes. Our desire is for the children to be healthy adults. The main idea is to be present to them, to be there with them, when they have crisis. We want to help them break the cycle that is in their families – to not be children living on the streets or adults with alcoholism – to do this with love and patience. They come from very poor families, they are marginalized; we want to affirm their value, to say to them “you do have rights and just because you were born in this family doesn’t mean you are less valuable than another”; these children don’t have a voice in the society, we want to invite them to talk for themselves, “you should tell the world who you are and what you think”.


Ana asked for prayer; so, on behalf of her, Paul, the Romania community and the children, I ask you to pray that these children will meet Jesus. It is only He that can heal their wounds and redeem their souls. Healing is a long and painful process but when the Spirit of God is poured into every part of the body and spirit, true life will come. If you want to learn more about WMF Romania, flip through The Cry and you’ll find articles written by the staff there or check out our website where you can read up on all that is happening with the staff and children in Romania.


Support update: Right now, I have a $600 monthly deficit, which means that my monthly support is about $1200 but my monthly need is $1800. I would love your financial help! Please continue to consider a way that you can partner through monthly sponsorship. Would you be able to commit $10/month? Enclosed is an automatic deduction form, consider the possibility! 



Hilary 3307 dewey avenue. omaha, ne 68105