September Prayer Letter

September 2009

Believe that Jesus is the Messiah so that by believing you may have life in Jesus’ Name. John 20:31

Dear people,

I love reading staff prayer letters. It is a way for me to learn about WMF around the world, to personally connect with the WMF staff member and to remember to pray for that person, the community and the work that God is doing on that field. Heather Goertzen*, field staff Bolivia, is a beautiful, soulful and honest writer. Her reflections are gifts to me; she gave me permission to share some thoughts from her June prayer letter so I am giving the gift of Heather to you all. She is reflecting on a sermon podcast she listened to from Feb. 25th by Richard Dahlstrom, the pastor of Bethany Community Bible Church in Seattle Pastor Richard comments that life is “Cold, stinking, messy. In a clean barn, there is no oxen – if no oxen there is no fruit – if no fruit there is no life.” “Where no oxen are, the manger is clean…” Proverbs 14:4, NASB

Heather writes:
The details of our life and ministry are complicated these days. Our barn is not clean. We returned this past Monday after a few days of rest, relaxation and fun visiting our friend Brent in the eternal summer paradise of Cochabamba, Bolivia. We were greeted by freezing temperatures and an early morning phone call from a friend who had left her home on Saturday after a beating and needed to go back for her son who was with the violent husband. We arrived at the Casa de Esperanza* to find a message that Wes’ visa is in ‘observaciones’ (problems) meaning he had to appear at immigration with yet another series of documents. We spent the rest of Monday between police and social service offices. Wes accompanied our friend and two agents to the home to recover the child while I cleaned up the vomit of the younger daughter who I had taken home to wait. At the end of it all, our friends arrived late evening to bring us the news that our move into the house we have been waiting on and dreaming of for the last two months couldn’t happen, that they were in legal issues with the current renter who is essentially refusing to leave. The last few days have involved continuations of said dramas and today we sit: homeless, illegal, much of our earthly possessions in boxes with no where to go. Cold. Stinking. Messy.
I suppose it helps to remember that it was a barn that Jesus was born into, and that his barn wasn’t without oxen. It helps to remember that he spent a good portion of his time homeless, wandering through countries not his own where he wasn’t always welcome. It helps to recognize the time he spent with abused women and vomit-breathed children. And it helps to think that these are the ways and the places in which Life comes forth.

As you read Heather’s words, I hope that it causes a connection between you and Heather and the crew in Bolivia; I hope it encourages you to remember her and the entire Bolivia Community. Pray for the women they are in relationship with. Remember Jesus who came to save and to love and who sat with the broken and who sits with you now. Trust that Life comes.

Support Update: I am still struggling to have consistent and sufficient monthly support – I fall short by about $600/month. If 30 people would commit $20/month that would close the gap! Enclosed is an automatic deduction form, please consider the possibility! 

Peace to you

*Heather has served in El Alto, Bolivia since 2003; she married Wes Goertzen September 2006.
*Casa de Esperanza means House of Hope; it is Bolivia’s drop-in-center for women in prostitution.