Fast Day Prayer: Kolkata

This afternoon we video conferenced with our staff members in Kolkata. Today’s fast day prayer will be focused on their prayer needs. Our office will pray for our staff and then share in a simple meal of rice and dal at 12 CST. Please join us in prayer for our friends.

For staff members who are traveling to and from Kolkata that they find rest and rhthym as they reenter life in the States or Kolkata.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the new staff who will be arriving at different points in the next year.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the 19 new Sari Bari ladies who are in their third month of training. [The third month of training is sometimes difficult for the ladies as they start to question if they want to stick with it.]
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the staff who are transitioning into new jobs with new responsibilities. Give them encouragement, strengthened faith and imagination.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For strength, restoration and renovation of our staff members who are tired…that they are able to enjoy a restful and beautiful weekend.
Lord, hear our prayer.
