December 2009 Prayer Letter

December 2009

Dear Friends,

A couple weeks ago one of the newest little girls came walking through the gate. “Can you please go get my brother?” Her older brother has been taking part in the program here for the past year or so. “Why?” I asked. “Daddy just died…”

We’ve known for some time that the father of these two children was very ill. In fact, we kept a cell phone with us at all times at camp this summer just in case his health worsened while the children were away. Making matters worse, their mother just passed away last year. It’s really a sad situation. Right now the children are staying with their grandmother, but she’s quite old and is unsure of her ability to care for them. Please hold these children up in prayer to Jesus.

For those of you that like to keep your prayer lists up-to-date, there are four children from the list I sent out last month that are no longer coming to the center. There are two girls (Larisa and Cristina) and two boys (Florin F and Florin M). As of this writing the other children are coming regularly and, for the most part, the new children are accommodating well.

One of the major changes in our program this year has been for the youth that just finished eighth grade and started high school this year. Part of our vision for them is that they will slowly become volunteers here at the center. They have received much over the years and are now in a position to give to others. They are starting to help with the younger children as they are able. They have been present at game times. They are helping with homework. And they have been helping to serve lunches. I just walked by the dining room and I saw Cati serving lunch to a table full of kids. It was really encouraging. I’ve been with Cati every day for the last five years and it’s so great to see her joyfully working with the young children.

I would also like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I know it will still be a bit early when you receive this letter, but you won’t receive another one until after the New Year, so… Merry Christmas! We haven’t made definite plans yet for our Christmas program, but I imagine it will be similar to years past. Just before Christmas we will likely go out caroling with the children, visiting their families as well as some folks around the city that support us and pray for us. On Christmas Day we will have a celebration with all the children, filled with presents, good food, games, worship, and laughter. I imagine we will again spend the night watching movies. Actually, most of us adults will be watching the children as they slowly drift off to sleep one by one. Please do continue to pray for us…


Paul and Ana