February Prayer Letter

February, 2010


I am really excited to be writing this to you all!


First, I want to say how thankful I am to be a part of WMF. My experience with the community has been one filled with lovely relationships, the continuous re-discovery of God, a lot of learning, the giving and receiving of love, a growing passion for justice—as well as a whole lot of other things!


I’m just grateful for this opportunity to share life with these people.


Okay, so back to my original comment—I am so excited to tell you that I am transitioning into a new role as Coordinator of Community Care! Amanda Knihal has been serving in this role for over three years and she will be transitioning out this summer. There were interviews conducted this fall, I interviewed and was approved to step into the coordinator role. There are a lot of emotions attached to this: deep sadness to see Amanda leave, excitement for this next season in her life, anxiety with what this new role will look like, grievance anticipating the adjustments to take place with the responsibilities I currently have and assuredness that this is what I am to do!


The Community Care Center, as I have seen it develop, is a structure not only necessary for the organization but, more importantly, it is dedicated to the sustainability of WMF individuals. It is my desire as a part of the Community Care Center, to be present, attentive, receptive and responsive in this community to offer support and assistance—the CCC commits to doing this more fully and with more intention. I am excited to step into this role that will create more space for me to participate with staff members as they journey with WMF.  


I cannot say it enough; I am thrilled to dig my feet a little deeper into the Community Care Center! It will be a joy to serve alongside staff—partnering in their experiences, seeing them through transitions and keeping open communication during the process. I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone better serving these past nine months as Assistant to the Director of Community Care and I’m looking forward to continuing with staff members and knowing them even more!


I’m hopeful for the vision and imagination being stirred throughout WMF. I trust in the work God is doing through and around us. I love that God has placed me in this community: teaching me love, showing me more of myself and allowing me to be a part of something I love.


I ask that you be in prayer for me and the community through this transition. I will hopefully be fully trained by April! Thanks for supporting me in my journey with WMF. I look forward to sharing more with you about this role as I learn more about it! Remember the WMF staff members and communities. Peace to you!

