Beggars Society: Human Trafficking, Film Kavi

Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010
Time: 7:00pm
Location: 1011 Leavenworth St.

Phileena Heuertz shared about her recent field visit (with Chris Heuertz and Liz Ivkovich) to Romania and Moldova. Chris introduced Oanh Heiser, our new Development Coordinator. And Marcia Ghali introduced the theme of human trafficking and the film Kavi.

Check out that audio, and please see the Oscar-nominated Kavi.

Did you know slavery still exists? There’s more slavery today than the entire 400 years of the transatlantic slave trade.

Kavi is a boy in India who wants to play cricket and go to school, but instead he is forced to work in a brick kiln as a modern-day slave. Unsatisfied with his fate, Kavi must either accept what he’s always been told, or fight for a different life even if he’s unsure of the ultimate outcome.