April Prayer Letter

Dearest Family and Friends,

Today began feeling like spring: sun and warmth. Looking up, one could even see some of those light, fluffy clouds against a backdrop of blue sky. As we waited to catch a minibus for a meeting with a pastor in another part of the city, the discussion circled to weather forecasters and how they were way off for the day. Snow? Rain? Please. Are you kidding? I was holding my coat in my hand.

Fast forward a few hours. Our five-person team is hurrying to meet another contact. Sky darkens. Wind picks up. Dust gets in the contacts. Rain begins. Fast forward to the evening. You guessed it: snow. The weather changed completely in 12 hours. Maybe you are thinking “Annie, you are from the Midwest. Fickle weather should no longer surprise you.” I agree. Catching my attention this time is the certainty with which I scoffed weather professionals this morning. At 10:25am frozen precipitation possibilities were completely off my radar. And I was completely wrong.

The last time I wrote, we were certain that we would be partnering with a certain orphanage outside the city. We had a schedule outline. To be honest, I even expected to converse with you this month about some of the newly formed relationships with children there.

You guessed it: God’s forecast was different. We weren’t able to partner with that orphanage.. So, back to the list of organizations to visit. Back to certain uncertainty. Maybe we were trying to force relationships instead of listening to God leading us into them? Maybe we went into this time with a program instead of an open heart and mind? After some discussion we decided to set aside some days for prayer and fasting. We need wisdom and direction from God.

After another few weeks of making phone calls and visits to other organizations, doors are beginning to open. We connected with a gentleman who has been working for a number of years with children from orphanages and families who are poor. With his help, we were able to meet with a director of an orphanage in Chisinau, after the meeting was set up through the Minister of Education. The director was very open to us volunteering with the children.

We also have an opportunity to partner with another organization in a nearby village within which there is great need. The pastor of a church in the western wing of Chisinau is also open to us volunteering with their foundation. He shared about his vision for Christians in the city to work together, putting aside their individual goals and doctrinal differences to serve the Jesus together. Division among the different protestant churches, as well as the orthodox and catholic churches, is a concern in Moldova. Therefore, the openness and vision for unity of the pastor, and our friend who helped us meet with the orphanage director, was refreshing and encouraging.

To all the pray-ers out there:

Yea God! (Praises)

  • For teammates Adriana, Magda, Rachel, and John.
  • We have made hopeful connections with an orphanage in the city.
  • Friends Dave and Jody Nonnemacher visited us during their time in Moldova. Their presence and words were very encouraging!

We could use some help… (Prayer requests)

  • Pray for the people of Moldova, especially for the children.
  • Wisdom and the ability to listen to God’s direction and to each other.
  • Grace for each other and for ourselves as we continue to transition.

Thank you so much for reading this letter! Thank you for caring about the children and about us!

Much love,
