Staying is the new going: article by Chris Heuertz

Check out Chris Heuertz’ latest article featured on Duke Divinity’s Call and Response Blog.

An excerpt:

The “Neighborhoods Issue” of “GOOD” magazine is packed full of captivating articles on the value of living well in the space your home occupies.

The editor writes, “We want to communicate our fear that Americans’ sense of community has been dissipating, and we want to bring it back. . . The way we interact with our neighborhoods helps to define us and the places we live—all those beautifully diverse places around the world.”

I love my neighborhood, but I travel a lot to many of those “beautifully diverse places around the world.” I’m out of Omaha anywhere from five to seven months a year, and have logged over 500,000 airline miles since 2005. Living local is a value to me, but one that seems more like a hoped-for ideal teasing me from a distance. I’ve not been able to really be as good of a neighbor as I desire.