September Prayer Letter

September 2010



I apologize for having not written to you last month. I was in Nebraska City at the WMF Staff Gathering…for 3 weeks! This event, which occurs every three years, includes all the N. American staff living abroad so everyone flies in and we meet together with workshops, sessions, worship and meals. As you can imagine, spending that amount of time with each other really helps us connect and learn from one another. I feel like I know the staff and the fields better and I love that! Actually, I would like to share something from that time.

One of the reflections that David Chronic (Europe Regional Coordinator) shared was on stability and during his reflection he mentioned an anchor. Since then, I have been thinking a lot about being anchored. In my life, there are a lot of things that I throw my anchor toward (acceptance, affirmation, control, relationships to name a few). I picture myself dropping my anchor in the water next to the things that people say about me. If my “boat” is there, maybe I will feel good about myself and feel liked. But am I really anchored? I mean, eventually I’ll pull it up and need to drop it somewhere else because concerning myself with the things people say/think about me is only one place where I can anchor. In your life, where do you drop anchor? This is not how I want to live or how I would want you to live! Where then should we anchor?

We should anchor where there is hope, our true identity and love. We should be anchored in God. But, this life is difficult and defeating and seems hopeless and sometimes feels absent of God. So, for me, being able to actually place myself beside Him and stay with Him is the last thing I think I can do. This is probably why I liked when David brought up the anchor and referenced the promise that God makes to us. “So, God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us to God.” Hebrews 6: 18-19. If God promises to bless me and be with me and always love me, then that is where I want to drop anchor and where I want you to anchor to.

With love and hope and a huge smile as I look outside at the bright sunlight!

Support Account Update:
Over the past few months my support account balance has slowly decreased. The monthly support I receive is about $500 less than what I need to receive. I am extremely hopeful that one day soon I will have the number of supporters and amount of monthly donations that I need so that I don’t dip into the negative. Please pray for my financial situation. Also, if you have ideas on how I can fundraise, it would be great to hear them! I would love your support in this!