September 2010 Prayer Letter

September 2010

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers while Ana and I were in the States. Our time was both full and restful. It was great to have time with so many of you, though it always seems like our time together is too short. Both of the conferences we attended (one with Word Made Flesh and another with Trinity Church) went well. It was good to be with the other WMF folks, sharing similar struggles and hopes with others that have a calling like our own. And our time with Trinity was truly life-giving for Ana and me. We felt so supported, cared for, shepherded, and loved on during our time. Thank you!

We have only been back in Galati for a few days as I write this and it is hot! It has been sunny every day with temperatures in the high 90’s. Now you may be thinking, “Hey, it’s hot here, too!” That may be true. But remember, we don’t have A/C! It has been around 90 degrees in our bedroom these past three nights. Ugh! Hopefully, it will cool off soon. I guess the good news is that I’m literally losing weight while I sleep! That’s what a night of constant sweating will do. Ha!

By the time you receive this letter we should be back from camp and in our final preparations for the new school year. The first day of school is September 13 this year. Please pray for the children as they return to school. Pray for us workers as we again organize our daily program around the schedules of the children. Pray that the Lord would encourage us all with His faithful presence.


Paul and Ana