August 2010 Prayer Letter

Dear Family and Friends,
Where is the summer going? It seems like last week I was graduating from Northwestern College and heading south on I-29 with my mom and dad, grandpa and grandma. That was two months ago. I guess that’s a sign that I’m having fun and keeping busy, right?
Currently I’m looking forward to the Word Made Flesh staff gathering. I will be going with about 70 WMF staff members, who live in the US and overseas, to a conference center outside of Omaha. This staff gathering takes place once every three years, so I’m really fortunate to have started when I did. The staff gathering will give me a chance to meet those whom I am serving and also to hear stories of how they are serving the most vulnerable of the world’s poor in the countries they call home. Please pray for safety in travel as WMF missionaries travel to and from Omaha.
Work in the office has become more comfortable as I continue to learn new skills and understand my role within the organization. My administrative director has been really good about answering my questions and teaching me new tasks slowly. She has made work as stress-free as a new job could be. The transition into working full-time has been very smooth. That has truly been an answer to prayer!
However, as I get into a routine at the office, I continually have to remind myself that I’m not simply working; I’m serving people around the world in a very small way. Being intentional about service is something that I need to focus on in my time at work and also during the time I spend in my community.
I can’t help but feel tremendously grateful for all the encouraging words, prayers, and financial support that so many of you have blessed me with. Thank you so much! I am really excited for the opportunity that I’ve been blessed with, and I’m equally excited to be able to share what God is doing through me and through Word Made Flesh!
Jeff Swart

1 Peter 4:10 – As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.