May 2011 Prayer Letter

May 2011

Dear Friends,

Just last month I asked you to pray for E and F, a sister and  brother who have had a rough couple of years.  When I wrote last month they had just been dropped off at the center for minors by their aunt and we were praying what we could do to help.  I asked that you pray with us.

As you may already know, sometimes our prayers are answered in unexpected ways.  After much consideration, much prayer, and much discussion with the others in our community, Ana and I have decided to invite Eleni (until now known as E) and Florin (F) into our home to live with us.  A big change and a huge commitment, we know.  This is all still very new for us, but since the deadline for this prayer letter is upon me, you get the “up to now” version.

Just this evening Ana and I went to visit Eleni and Florin at the center for minors to invite them to come stay with us.  Needless to say, they were surprised.  They said they really weren’t expecting something like this.  Both seemed genuinely thrilled at the idea of becoming a part of our family.  We still have much to discuss (specific house rules, etc.) and only now will we start the legal process of getting them released into our care, but our hope is for them to move in with us before Easter.  That means that if all goes well they will already be with us by the time you receive this letter.

A couple people have already expressed interest in helping with the new financial needs this brings.  Ana and I were both encouraged by the help being offered almost before we had even told anyone about our plans.  We know it is the Lord’s provision for Eleni and for Florin.  He has described Himself as the Father of the fatherless.  We know that he cares deeply for these two teens.  And we trust that He is guiding us on this journey.

Please pray for Eleni and Florin.  Please pray for Ana and me.  Please pray that we will be true family to each other and that Jesus will be glorified in our lives and in our home.  These teens have gone through a lot the last few years.  We know there will be challenges as we go deeper in relationship and as healing begins.  Our sense in praying for direction was that the Lord was inviting us to throw ourselves into His arms in faith.  That is what we are doing.  Without the Lord’s hand this will surely turn out bad.  But Christ in us can bring life to any situation.  Jesus is the Great Healer and His desire is to give a future to Eleni and to Florin.


Paul and Ana