January Prayer Letter

January 2011

I have a lot of experiences and moments from 2010 that I want to carry with me into 2011. Today, I am looking back and remembering. These are a few experiences that most stand out to me from the past year and that I feel are most valuable to carry with me. 

I was restocking the plants at Trader Joes (in early December, I started working there part time!) and I hear a familiar voice. There they stood with chili and cinnamon rolls for me to enjoy on my dinner break! I have learned much about generosity from this couple. I carry with me the value of being generous.

She and I walked around the park probably four times. She was honest with me. She shared her pain. She asked for understanding. She is on a pursuit toward greater self-awareness and healing, She inspires me to heal. I carry with me the value of healing.

We have been getting together almost every Monday for the past year. We share stories from the past week. Celebrate and grieve the happenings of our lives. Laugh as the dramas unfold on whatever movie/show we watch. We are friends. I carry with me the value of friendship.

People transition in and out of WMF. In Omaha, we had transitions. The change within our communities is difficult but we trust God’s faithful presence in each individual. We welcome our friends when they arrive and bless them as they leave. In this way, we honor one another. I carry with me the value of respect.

They came in to town for an outing at the water park. They call just to see how I am doing. They remember what I tell them and ask questions. They pray for me. My parents are incredible and they make time for their daughters. I completely adore my parents. I carry with me the value of family.

She challenges and encourages me to grow in my relationship with Jesus. I made commitments to God and to myself on things I wanted to change and how I wanted to live. She listened. She prayed for me. She holds me accountable. She reminds me of how much God loves me. I carry with me God’s love.

Remember and celebrate. And have a wonderful start to a new year! Write or email if you get a chance. I would love to hear from you!


PO Box 70 Omaha, NE 68101