I will trust and sing.

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?

…But I trust in your unfailing love;

My heart rejoices in your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord,

For he has been good to me.” Psalm 13:1,5,6

The voice of the Psalmist moved me today as I listened to a song inspired by Psalm 13.  ( Third song on the album Albatross or listen here to another powerful performance by the same band.)

After four verses of desperation he ends with trust and a song.  A good friend recently asked me how I’m really doing.  I thought for minute then replied, “Burdened.”  I spend much of my time in an effort to put a good face on things and to help others deal with their inner and outer pain. This means I must be strong, supportive and giving.  However, there are moments when my compassionate heart is too full and I cry out with the Psalmist, “How long, O Lord?”

I am burdened for my family back home, going through major transitions and loss.  I’m burdened for my friends here in Moldova, struggling to make ends meet.  I’m burdened by learning of and meeting more people addicted to alcohol. At one time I reacted judgmentally to the problem of alcoholism, especially as I saw the effects on children and family members. As I meet more people personally trapped by this addiction, I am moved beyond judgment to a desire to help victims of alcoholism as well as those who they victimize.

“But I trust in your unfailing love!” cries David. He turns to the Lord with absolute trust in Him. “I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me!”  Sounds like an impossible conclusion to cries of distress.  But this is and must be my response: A song of thanksgiving as I state the truth in spite of how I feel: He has been good to me.”

Prayer for this month:

  • June 1-5 school ends and we will get away from the city for some days of rest, renewal and attentive listening to God and each other. The theme of our staff retreat is “I am the vine; You are the braches”.
  • We must relocate our office again in June for legal reasons. Pray for the right space, the right price and minimal stress in the move.
  • Summer camp! In July we hope to organize one or two weeks of day camp in the space we currently use at the state institution. Pray for all the planning involved and for the children who will attend.
  • Pray for me personally as I miss family and friends and experience a low on the curve of cultural adaptation.  It’s hard to admit I’m on the low, but it’s true. Experts say it takes about two years to come through the intense process of culture shock…which means I still have 7 months to go before reaching some kind of new normal. Thank you!

In Him,