June 2011 Prayer Letter


As another summer commences, I thank God for the beautiful weather and the opportunity to bask in the warmth of the sun and of young and old friendships. Grace and Peace to you, I pray this letter finds you well.

As I wrote last month, I will be visiting the WMF Bolivia field in the beginning of July. Since then, I’ve made plans to visit the WMF Brazil field in Rio de Janeiro as well. My co-worker Hilary and I will be out of the states for two weeks. Neither of us are very experienced travelers, but we’re both up for the adventure of trans-continental travel!

While in Brazil I hope to get a taste of the day-to-day activities at both the women’s drop-in center and Downtown Street Ministry. After serving the Word Made Flesh community for one year, getting a firsthand look at the work being done in the field is very exciting. The Nichols family has been serving in Rio de Janeiro since 2004. I hope to be an encouragement to them and the Brazilian staff members during my short stay. I would also like to see the natural beauty the country has to offer; the mountains, the sea, and the rainforest. This is an exciting time for me, and I thank you for the prayer and financial support that has made this trip possible. I’m looking forward to the end of July when I can tell you about this field visit.

The month of June is shaping up to be a very busy month. Aside from the preparations for my international travels, I’ll be traveling to Western Nebraska for a friend’s wedding and driving home to Wisconsin twice; once for a wedding and one more time at the end of the month for a short vacation.

Another noteworthy item that will be happening in the next couple weeks, Jordan, a friend from college, will be moving in with me. After living alone for the past year, sharing an apartment and life with a good friend will be a welcome change.

Ways you can pray for me this month:

  • Pray that all goes well with travel preparations
  • Pray that I will be able to keep up with work as I have a very busy month
  • Pray for Jordan and I as we adjust to living with each other

Thank you for your continued support of the work God has called me to at Word Made Flesh. Without your support, I would not be able to serve here. I am still very much in need of your help. I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting WMF through prayer or financial commitments. Thank you and have a wonderful month!

With Gratitude,
