May update 2011

Dear friends,

Thank you for walking with me on this journey and for supporting me in your prayers. I can see how God works and answers in His perfect timing.

In my last prayer letter I wrote about my desire to be a sign of the Kingdom of God in the midst of the community where I serve. This has become the direction of my life.

A few amazing things happened in the last two months, things I perceive as God’s answers to our prayers. As I focused and asked for direction so that I could be a sign of His Kingdom, I was able to see that not in me but in one of the kids from the community center. E. is a 17 year old girl who has participated in the activities at the WMF Valley community center ever since she was 6. She grew up with us, learning to discover who she is, learning the language of love, getting to know the love of the Lord, and learning to cope with her father’s death and her mother’s absence.

This year E. and her brother had to go to what we call a Minors’ center as the relatives who had become their tutors could no longer take care of them. In Romania, children under 18 years old will go to what we call “Minors’ center” when their parents are not around. This is a government run center where children in the given situation are forced to go and live for an indefinite period of time, all the while not being involved in any educational activities.

As compared to this place, the activities at our community center are very structured, everything is organized, and every person involved in the program knows exactly what they are supposed to do. This structure has helped us grow as individuals, as a community and it has helped the kids in ways we didn’t know were possible. The healthy structure in our lives has helped them see the necessity of a good rhythm not only when they are around us. Our dearest friend E. had to spend a few hard months in this new, unfamiliar and hard place to be and she did it gracefully. Not only did she not forget about what she had learned but continued to live out her values. Like a speck of the “salt of the earth” she even influenced the people she had to live among for a while. Her sweet presence brought changes even in the structure of the program there. She instituted the afternoon nap, made the other kids change the way they talk, started game hour and quiet time. We were told about the change in this little boy’s conduct who would manipulate everyone. His mom is now grateful for the influence E. had in his life.

I also see the manifestation of God’s Kingdom in every child’s reaction when he or she does something wrong and then wants to correct that. Their desire to grow, to learn, to change destructive patterns, to become better persons humbles me and teaches me valuable lessons.

These examples may be insignificant to some. They are so big to us. They are so precious to God.

Going to the latest activities, I’d like to list a few things here:

– We visited a few local churches in Galati and we have been so warmly welcomed. We are thankful the invitation and for their love and support.

– David and Lenuta Chronic are back from their Sabbatical time. We have missed them dearly and are so happy to have them back. Our joy is even grater to see them so full of energy. Their experienced has already enriched us and we are looking forward to hearing more about their time away.

– Frank Summers from Anglia came to visit. All his visits here are marked by visible signs. He always builds or fixes something. This time he installed a new alarm system.

– Annie Keith and the Moldova Servant Team spent a week a great week with us.

– The staff and the kids celebrated Easter together. We sang, prayed, played and of course ate great food.

– A group of youth from Texas spent a day at the centre, playing and singing with the kids.

–  We went for a picnic on May 1st, the National Labour Day in Romania. We enjoyed being out.

Prayer requests:

–          We will take a much needed staff retreat on May 9th – 15th (this letter will actually be posted afterwards). Pray that we will rest, strengthen our relationships, spend time with the Lord, regroup and be filled with new strength.

–          As the team from Moldova shared some of the challenges they face, they’ve asked us to pray for them as a community and for the children they serve among. To make prayer intentional and personal, they handed out little notes with names on them. I am to pray for Tirzah (ST member) and for two children from Moldova: Marin and Tania. You are invited to join me in this.

–          Please pray for wisdom as we administrate what God gives us. As part of the administration department I need this wisdom if I want to be a good steward of His resources.

–          Pray for me, that I become a sign of God’s kingdom in my community, in my church, in “the valley, in my city.

Grateful for your participation in this ministry.