August 2000

Exciting news!

As many of you know, we have decided to move……to South America!  Yes, we have recently been approved to serve as missionaries with Word Made Flesh, an interdenominational mission agency committed to working among the poorest of the poor.

We will be opening a field in La Paz, Bolivia, serving as Servant Team Coordinators. Our primary responsibilities will include leading 4-month mission teams, focusing the majority of our ministry on street children.  However, since WMF will be new in Bolivia, we may also be working with Aids patients, prostitutes, beggars, the elderly, etc. – Basically, wherever the Lord leads!

We are planning on leaving home sometime next summer (2001).  We will probably begin with language school in Costa Rica for about 6 months, and then travel to Bolivia early in 2002.  We have committed initially to 2½ years of service, after which we will evaluate any further commitment.

As missionaries, we will be depending on outside support for our income.  We completely trust that the Lord will care for this area of our lives.

The decision to take this next step has been a long difficult process.  We have battled with fears, insecurities and questions, only to find the Lord’s complete confirmation. We do not know what the future holds for us, but are confident that we are following the Lord’s direction. The road ahead is sure to be an exiting, challenging adventure!

Andy’s Story

About a year ago I sat in the mountains of Colorado praying for the Lord’s guidance and direction. I knew that Andrea would be finished with seminary in May of 2001, and it would be a natural time for us to move. I was ready to do youth ministry for twenty years if that is what God wanted.

For six months I prayed, and for six months I heard nothing. Just when I began to realize that the Lord was trying to teach me patience, the door opened for us to meet with Word Made Flesh. I would have been foolish not to pursue this next step after so much prayer.

We walked out of the meeting with an application in our hands and many questions in our hearts. Is this of you God?  Why would you pick us? So many times in my life I have asked God to reveal His plan, but failed to listen to His answers. This time I didn’t want to mess it up.

For a month, Andrea and I agreed to pray over the application. I remember a friend once told me that God cannot steer a ship that isn’t moving. At the end of our month of prayer, we decided to begin the application process.Pursuing missions had always been something Andrea and I had talked about. However, our decision came with so many questions, we became frustrated with ourselves for doubting God. In June we had the opportunity to travel to Bolivia to scout out the possibility of opening a field in La Paz. We returned with nothing but confirmation from the Lord

Philip Yancey writes about the double-edged sword of obedience. Following the Lord brings both joy and sorrow. Joy is a natural outcome of saying “yes” to God.  Sorrow comes when that sword has to carve away the flesh, the side of us that is comfortable. In my life there has always been a direct correlation between my comfort and my complacency. The good things in life seem to always come at a price.

As we transition from a very comfortable place, to the next stage in our lives, we claim Philippians 1:6, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it…”

We celebrate God’s call on our lives as we anticipate the days ahead. We feel privileged to share with you what God is doing. Our prayer is that God will reveal His plan for you, and that you too will find Him faithful.

Quick Facts

  • Bolivia is landlocked in central South America.
  • It is the 3rd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere (GNP $900 annually).
  • Bolivia is 95% Catholic; however, superstition and tribal religions are deeply rooted and entwined.
  • La Paz is nestled in a canyon along the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 12,000 ft.
  • La Paz is the business capital of Bolivia, with a population of nearly 2 million.
  • Mount Illimani (20,741 ft.) backdrops the city.
  • Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, sits near La Paz at 12,500 ft.
Andrea’s Story

“We’re thinking of opening a field in Bolivia,” explained Chris Heuertz, Director of WMF.  I couldn’t believe my ears. In 1994, I traveled to Santa Cruz on my very first mission trip, where the Lord placed a burden on my heart for the poor of Bolivia. I have since traveled to other countries, but my heart has remained in Bolivia. As we met with Chris and his wife Phileena, my heart raced and tears rolled down my face, as it seemed the Lord’s will was beginning to unfold.

Later that evening, Andy and I sat down together, and Andy nonchalantly stated, “I think we should apply.” I was stunned. After nearly 7 years, the Lord was opening a door to the exact place I never thought I would be. We decided to pray for 1 month and sincerely seek the Lord’s direction.

His confirmation was clear, although many doubts and fears loomed in my head. I had romanticized the idea of ministering to the poor, but now I began to face the challenges of ministering “incarnationally” among the poor. I realized our lives were going to change radically, and I fought desperately for a more comfortable calling.

I felt utterly broken. Everything I thought I needed or wanted – family, friends, comforts, conveniences – I would have to give up (literally!). In a very real way, I was being stripped of all that felt essential to me.

But during this time, I happened to be studying the book of Philippians, and the Lord spoke to me about suffering and sacrifice. “…I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ…that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings…” (Phil. 3:8-10 NASB)

Jesus, the apostle Paul and many others did not enjoy a fruitful ministry without much personal loss and sacrifice. I have been challenged to follow their examples. We are very excited to follow the Lord’s leading. However, the process has not been simple.

Because I have experienced the Lord’s faithfulness in the past, I am resting in the assurance that He will continue to be faithful to the end. Thank you for your support in this exciting, but also difficult transition.