May 2002

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for praying!  We are happy to report our Mother’s Day celebration with the women and children went very well.  We had about 100 come and participate, and all seemed to have a good time and a special day.  In addition to lunch, music, clowns, and games, we were able to introduce ourselves, our ministry and the Word of God.  Seeds have been planted, and our ministry has officially begun.  Please pray that all will
continue to flourish according to the Lord’s perfect will.

Also, we are so thankful for all the support we received from the community here in El Alto. About 15-20 friends came to help – the majority who have never had contact with this particular population.  We feel it was a great opportunity to begin closing the gap between the Church and the poor. Please also pray for these seeds that were planted.

We greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement.  Today especially we are so thankful to the One who is faithful, and to those of you who continue to stand with us.  Thanks for being a part of what the Lord is about here
in Bolivia.

Andy & Andrea