October 19, 2006

Dear Prayer Warriors,

I am writing to urgently ask you to join us in prayer.  Our community, and specifically our family, are under spiritual attack.  We acknowledge a fierce battle taking place over the life of Hans, who we wrote about recently.  Hans was a transvestite involved in homosexuality, prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse.  We also believe that there was demonic possession.  Hans is now a confessing Christian, but Satan is not letting him go easily!  Please pray for the protection of our family and community!!

Not coincidentally our community has been experiencing problems every time right before we plan to meet with Hans.  We’ve experienced disunity, fighting, extreme fatigue, depression and heaviness.

This morning was our wake up call – Andy was on his way to accompany Hans to a job interview.  Luke screamed suddenly and then turned blue.  His body went stiff, his eyes rolled back into his head and he stopped breathing.  Andy began CPR and eventually Luke began to breathe again.  But even after he regained consciousness, Luke stayed stiff and non-respondent for a few minutes.  If Luke had not been sleeping in the room with us, we could have very easily lost him.

We are shaken up, a bit fearful, but also confident that the Lord is powerful and has already won this battle!  We do not want to give up!  So please, please pray.  I’m writing to those of you who I know pray with fervor and discernment and POWER.

We ask you to join us in fasting today, and tomorrow at 2 p.m. we are coming together as a community to pray this thing through.

We so appreciate you walking with us.  The Lord has given us Psalm 91 as a comfort.  If you have any further prodding’s from the Lord, we would love to hear from you.

Thank you again.

Trusting in Him,

p.s. – we are meeting with a pediatric neurologist this afternoon, as it seems that Luke had some type of seizure.  we’ll be in contact.