October 28, 2006

Hello everyone!

I’m so sorry we’ve not written sooner, as many of you have been asking about Luke.  We had been waiting to write until we had something more concrete to communicate, but as of yet, nothing is really settled.  This week was full of doctor’s appointments and tests in La Paz – an exhausting feat, as it’s at least an hour trip down to the city each time.

Anyway, we met with the pediatric neurologist who determined a possibility of future seizures, so Luke will continue to be on medication and monitored.  However, we have no conclusive information as to the cause of the seizures.  We have consulted some doctors in the U.S., who we are still waiting to hear from.  We’re hoping they may have more insights for us.

Some friends (and family) have suggested that maybe we return to the States for further testing.  We want to be wise and seek the best care for Luke, but we also need to be thoughtful about our resources and responsibilities here.  Just picking up and leaving feels like a daunting task and maybe unnecessary.   Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we evaluate options.

Luke is doing wonderful though!  Smiling, talking, even sitting up all by himself!  Even the doctors say you would never know something had gone awry.  So we do appreciate your prayers for him.

The past 10 days have been emotionally draining, and we are worn out.  We’ve been trying to be prayerful about the decisions we need to make while we continue to balance family and work.  Please pray for strength and rest for all of us.

We very much appreciate your encouragement, prayers and concern.  We’ll continue to update you as things evolve.

Thank you once again.

With deep gratitude,
Andrea and Andy