April Folkertsma – Mar. 1, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s a funny thing to write a letter you will receive in March when today is February 14. Mostly the letters I send are written 2 weeks before they are mailed and, as you know, much can happen in 2 weeks.  When I last wrote I thought it probable that I would soon have a departure date set for my move to Galati, Romania to serve with Word Made Flesh. Well, I don’t have that departure date yet, but I’m hopeful that even in the 2 weeks before you receive this letter, I will know when I am leaving.

My heart is so full because of the love, prayers, and finances that have been given to me. How can I say thank you? It is an amazing thing to be so well cared for by each of you.

And now I’m waiting to actually go and I wonder what it is for which I am to wait. Since I began to sell my things I’ve been in this rush to go. My mind and heart have been in another place and I’ve put so much pressure on myself to leave. For almost a year, my energy has been about going on staff with Word Made Flesh and moving to Romania. The books I’ve read, the visits I’ve made, the memories created were focused on this one thing: serving Jesus in Romania.

With so much energy and focus on this one thing, it’s now difficult to wait. But wait I do, hoping that as I wait, I’m being shaped by the longing that is created in waiting. I think sometimes when we have to wait for what we want, what we truly want is revealed. And that can be something so beautiful to discover.  

My love,



God dug his seed                            Twice rudely planted seed,  

into dry, dark earth.                        root, rise in me 

After a sprouting up                       and grow your green again,              

in hopeful birth                               your fruited tree.

and healing bloom                         ~Lucy Shaw

and garland grace,                          Accompanied by Angels:

he buried it again                            Poems of the Incarnationin a darker place.