May 2009

Dear friends,

As you enjoy the beginnings of Spring, the dry, cool autumn air is rolling into Bolivia.

Suti Sana has been going strong for 2 months now.  Luisa, Ana, Andrea, Diedad and Delia are experiencing freedom for the first time in their lives!  “You mean I can talk to God anytime I want, wherever I am?”  “Hermana Andrea, look at this!  This is my very own design!”  Everday is filled with beautiful examples of God’s grace.  They are hungry to know Him, ecstatic with their progress on the sewing machines and growing in understanding of themselves and their past.

Please pray for continued growth and progress among these women and for the wisdom, patience and stamina our community needs to support them well.  Please also pray for our ministry on the streets and in the Casa Esperanza, where we also continue to share Christ’s love and truth.

We are still in the planning stages of our sabbatical year, which will probably begin after our WMF Staff Gathering this July.  We are awaiting this time with much anticipation and finalizing many details beforehand so that our staff can flourish in our absence.

In other news, all four boys are doing well.  Elias continues to grow in character, reading and BMX.  He is bursting with enthusiasm and creativity these days.  Luke is so tender at 3 years of age.  He’s readily affectionate and often makes us laugh with his wittiness. And both of the twins are such a joy; it seems the worst of this adjustment period has passed and we’re relishing life with our growing babies.

As some of you may know, Asher, at 8 months old, had some recent epileptic episodes.  We have been advised to begin the same medication that Luke used, as Asher’s seizures seem very similar (though not nearly as dramatic).  We’d ask you to pray for 3 specific points regarding this issue:

  • Peace: This has been difficult for us, as it has awakened unpleasant memories in us.  And we hate to see another one of our babies sick.
  • Guidance: We’re feeling unclear as to the next steps we need to take on Asher’s behalf.
  • Protection: Though this may partially be a hereditary problem, we also feel this is another attack of the enemy against our family.  It seems that whenever we make great strides in the ministry, something else comes along to shake us.

So we thank you again, for your faithfulness, your support, your encouragement and prayers.  We are perpetually aware of the gift you are to us.  Sending much love from our family to yours!

The Bolivia Baker’s

Andy, Andrea, Elias, Luke, Owen & Asher