October 2010

Dearest friends and family,

It´s been awhile since we´ve written. We hope you and your families are well and enjoying crisp autumn breezes. Here in Bolivia, Spring has arrived and life is blooming all around us!

Visit to the States

This summer we made an epic road-trip throughout the central and eastern United States, 18 in all! We were extremely blessed to use a friend’s Winnebago, which made for the ultimate family adventure! Not only did the boys love our “home on wheels,” but it helped simplify so much of the hassle we often face as we travel in out of various homes and hotels for weeks at a time.

This may have been our very best visit to the States yet. We enjoyed bare feet and warm temperatures, corn on the cob, Memphis BBQ and ungodly amounts of buffalo wings (you can never have enough!). We soaked up lots of water fun, quality time with family, enjoyed porch-side chats, the 4th of July and even the twins 1st birthday! (This was a momentous occasion, not only remembering their miraculous birth, but celebrating the fact that we survived the year following!) Really, this summer was a beautiful time to connect with old friends, beloved family and new partners.

We spent our time speaking in a number of churches and small groups, as well as reunited with our Word Made Flesh family at our tri-annual Staff Gathering in Nebraska City. Our theme this year was based on Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s book, “The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture.” We were encouraged to settle into a place and let our roots grow deep, to love the people and the land, and over time sit back and watch God work, both in us and those around us. “He will not flourish or bear lasting fruit unless he sinks deep roots” (153).


This August we began our sabbatical rest after 9 years of service. We are deeply aware of the gift this time is and fight desperately the unhealthy need to be productive and “make the most of it.” Everything in our world pushes us to produce and perform, and we’ve struggled to step out of activity to intentionally seek a season of rest (also very challenging to do with 4 kids!). We are learning to be more patient with ourselves, with God and each other. We are slowly learning to breathe deeply and listen. We are being reminded that our identity does not come from what we do, but rather to Whom we belong. “The Jewish tradition of Sabbath and sabbatical is a time of waiting on, resting in, receiving from and learning to delight in God” (Pilgrimage of a Soul, p 133, Phileena Heuertz). Please pray with us for this time of renewal, as we seek to draw closer to Him, who is the only true giver of Life.

Financial Needs

Since our visit to the States, our support account has dropped significantly. (Airfare and the cost of travel always hits us hard). We have dipped below zero the last couple of months and although we trust the Lord’s provision implicitly, the reality of 4 little people under our care weighs heavy on us. We understand that finances are tight for everyone these days. However, if you or even your church body are able, please consider committing to regular, monthly support on our behalf. You may contact Liz at our home office, 1-800-CRY4KIDS, or check DonateNow! on our website at, www.wordmadeflesh.org. We truly are so grateful to walk this road together with you. Thank you for your faithfulness to our family as well as the ministry in El Alto.

With much love and gratitude,
The Bolivia Baker´s
Andy, Andrea, Eli, Luke, Owen y Asher