the joy of giving

This has been a year to seek color and beauty in unusual places. Many times I feel that words alone cannot describe my life here in Moldova, in a multi-cultural, missional community.  We serve in a hard place day after day where things simply have to be experienced to be understood.

So, I invite you to come visit!  Or if that’s impossible, find a way to get to know some children near you who are growing up without loving parents.  They may just change your life.

I invite you to pray, encouraged by the fact that “the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”  God truly understands our deepest heart’s cry.

I invite you to give.  A childhood melody still rings in my ears:  “God loves a cheerful giver, give Him all you’ve got! He loves to see you laughing when you’re in an awkward spot. When the odds are up against you, it’s time to stop and sing. Praise God, to serve Him is a joyous thing!” Whether you are in an awkward spot or not, I invite you to give generously this Christmas and know the blessing of giving.

I invite you to recognize beauty in unusual places and send me some of your photographs!  For now, enjoy studying some of mine!

(top row) 1. Christmas angels  2.Matroshka, our house pet 3.Dinner at our summer staff retreat 4. Orhei Vechi, a quiet place for retreats (middle row) 1. The Lada, still on the roads in these parts, 2. Home-made cherry jam 3. Field trip 4. The handsome siblings unite for a brief time in July (bottom row) 1. Moldova, known for its wine production 2. Silly string creations at summer camp 3. Walk in the countryside during a group getaway 3. The five-hour train to Odessa on yellow, hardwood benches. Ouch. 4. The Black Sea 5. New friend Mariana has volunteered since April 6. How to stay warm in a very cold house – mummify. 7. Give a twelve-year-old freedom to create out of scraps and he may astound you with something like this blossoming tree branch.