November 2011

I have arrived back to the states, safe and sound from my trip to Israel! The dusty smells, the contrast in city versus desert, the elements of sight seeing and the meaningful knowledge obtained will never be forgotten. It was more than I could ever explain on one simple sheet of paper, writing to you. This embarkment was huge in discovering the roots of my spiritual vocation. My Aunt and I traveled to four different cities, where the surroundings screamed Middle Eastern culture and noise. Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, Tiberius, and Jerusalem all had their vast differences.

We made a journey to Joppa, the Valley of Elah, Beersheba, Masada, Ein Gedi, Qumran, Bet She’an, Gideon Springs, the Jordan River, Mount of Beatitudes, Primacy of Peter, Capernaum, Nof Ginossar, the Sea of Galilee, the Mediterranean Sea, Cana, Nazareth, Megiddo, Mount Carmel, Caesarea, Mount of Olives, the Southern Wall Excavations, the Temple Mount, Tad V’shem, Western Wall Tunnel, Pilate’s Palace, Tomb of King David, the Upper Room, the Jewish Quarter, Shrine of the Book, the Model City, Gethsemane, House of Caipphas, Pool of Siloam, Calvary, and the Garden Tomb.

In two weeks I took just around 5,000 photographs with my dear Canon. This is minimal compared to my previous record when traveling abroad, but I really got some beautiful images to share and reflect on. I wanted to share some of these photographs with you all, so notice the few here, but look for a web link to visit next time I write to you.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it is never too early to start expressing thankfulness for each and every thing in our lives, of which we hold deeply rooted in our hearts. Going to Israel was definitely something I can be thankful for in my life. Think on the things which you cherish and are blessed by this month. Enjoy your family and friends during the holiday.

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body… And be thankful.” – Colossians 3:1

Love to you all,


Fundraising Update:


It would be wonderful if I could increase my mailing list by 64 more precious people by the end of this year. If you know of anyone who may be interested in partnering with me in prayer or support, I invite you to give me their name and I would love to make contact with them.


I am currently receiving 8.7% of my monthly support goal. I need to increase monthly commitments by $1,504 by the end of this year. If you’ve ever thought about supporting WMF, now is a great time to do so.