February 2012

“Grace isn’t given to us so that we remain isolated, but we experience grace so that we can share it, in all of its various forms, with others, in this spirit.”

– Bo White, WMF Director of Community Care

I feel the need to share a story with you.

Let me tell you about a young woman, I’ll call her Jennifer (not her real name). She lives inIndiaand dwells in significant poverty. She is ‘dating’ a young man, who is not living in poverty. He isn’t wealthy, but he isn’t poor either. He has access to many more resources than Jennifer. One evening, this man and woman get into an argument, as many couples do, only this time Jennifer is beaten and left for dead. Who does Jennifer call for help? It’s her story against the man’s story. It’s her word against the man’s word. Who will advocate on her behalf?

She called Word Made Flesh staff members who live in her community and who have built relationship with her and who have committed to building a community of grace in Jennifer’s neighborhood. On one of her worst nights, Jennifer was taken in by Word Made Flesh staff, given a place to stay for healing, and given hope through glimpses of grace.

Jennifer’s story first came to me in the form of a frantic conversation; Jennifer’s story now comes to you in this letter.

In my role at Word Made Flesh, I seek to support the dozens of North American staff who have left the United States to live and work in neighborhoods where people like Jennifer struggle to make ends meet, struggle to have their voice heard, and struggle to live life with dignity and respect. We get to remind them that they are created in the image of God, with purpose, and with gifts, skills, and abilities. We get to remember them by name when they feel like a statistic. Because of grace, we get to live with others around the world, seeking to live in community and to usher in a new way of life.

I want to thank you for helping me support the same people that stayed with Jennifer that awful night. I want to thank you for encouraging me along the way to trust grace as a way of life and not as a distant theological idea. Your effort in being a living, breathing, partner in this work which I am very passionate about means the world.

I have mentioned in my previous 10 letters that my goal is to raise $25,000 annually. I now have 150 close friends and family on this mailing list.

  • My prayer is that
  1. 25 of you would consider giving $1000 a year to meet my living needs.
  2. You would donate a one time gift

c.    Each of you would pledge $13 a month to help me reach that $25,000

As I enter into this New Year I am increasingly struck with the boldness and beauty of God’s work in this life. This makes me so thankful for grace and the honor I have to serve the most vulnerable in the world, trusting God will meet my needs.


                                                With Love,
